In the latest opinion poll from Novus, the party got 3.6 percent. At the same time, 0 percent of women stated in a survey from February that they have very high confidence in Johan Pehrson.

The party leader shares the view that L is losing among female voters.

"Unfortunately, we have been doing this for a long time. Historically, we have been very strong among both Saco and TCO women and I would like to see that happen again. But I want to emphasize that I have a policy for both women and men, says Johan Pehrson to Politikbyrån.

But why have you lost among the women then?

"Many people may think that it has sounded too harsh over the years, that we have talked too much about NATO and nuclear power.

"Isn't just the guy at the grill"

The Liberals' election analysis notes that "gender equality was conspicuous by its absence" during the election campaign, something the party believes made it more difficult to convince female voters.

The election analysis also notes that the "beer-drinking guy-at-the-grill feeling" did not resonate with female academics.

Should you stop being the guy-at-the-grill-Johan?

"I'm not just the guy at the grill, I want to emphasize. But I have my big lovely family at home and can continue to grill sometimes, but the focus and emphasis should be on politics.

Johan Pehrson mentions, among other things, schools and security as important issues to raise in order to win back female votes.


Gulan Avci, party secretary of L, says it is time to "roll up our sleeves" until the 2026 elections.

"When it comes to female voters, we have lost confidence in quite a few elections. We must break the trend and make sure that we become relevant. We will have to work hard throughout the legislature to reverse this negative trend where female voters have not had us as the first choice.

How serious is this?

"It's worrying. After all, half the population is made up of women, and now we must become a relevant political alternative.