The Federation Council approved amendments to the law "On Military Duty and Military Service". 163 senators voted in favor, one voted against.

Now the legislative initiative will be sent for signature to the President of Russia, who must sign it within 14 days after receipt for signature.

"As soon as he (the bill. - RT) will go for signature, the president will consider it, "said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, stressing that Vladimir Putin is aware of the contents of the document.

On the eve of the initiative was approved by deputies of the State Duma in the second and third readings. It proposes the digitalization of the military accounting system.

"The register of military registration is formed by military commissariats in the manner established by the government of the Russian Federation, in an automated mode on the basis of information from the state information resource," the document says.

The necessary information about the person liable for military service will be transmitted by the Federal Tax Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Education, the CEC, courts, medical organizations, as well as employers and higher educational institutions. We are talking about personal and passport data, SNILS, TIN, place of residence, availability of foreign citizenship or residence permit, information about the place of work, diploma, education and state of health.

Also at the "The system must keep pace with the requirements of the time": the State Duma adopted a law on the unified register of conscripts

As the head of the Ministry of Statistics Maksut Shadayev later pointed out, the work of the register will be launched in the second half of 2023.

"The exact timing of the launch of the register will be determined after the adoption of the law, but, most likely, it will be possible to launch it in full not earlier than the beginning of the next autumn conscription for military service," he said.

The development of the register is carried out by the Ministry of Digitalization on the instructions of the Ministry of Defense: "The goal is to systematize information about citizens on military registration, and ensure their updating online."

Along with this, new ways of sending subpoenas are being introduced: by registered mail or in electronic form through the "Public Services" portal. In this case, the summons will be considered served after seven days from the date of its placement in the register.

"Subpoenas to these citizens are sent in writing and duplicated in electronic form. The subpoenas should indicate the legal consequences of citizens' failure to comply with the requirements set forth in them," the law explains.

Draft dodgers will be considered persons who did not appear without a valid reason on the summons within 20 days from the date of its receipt. Temporary measures will be introduced against them, such as a ban on the registration of individual entrepreneurs, restrictions on the registration of real estate and vehicles, and denial of the opportunity to take a loan.

At the same time, through the "State Services" it will be possible to appeal against the receipt of the summons and confirm their right to postponement.

According to the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, there is a need to streamline the system of military registration, to make it modern, effective and convenient for citizens.

"The point is that we must streamline the system of accounting and conscription of those who must serve in the army. In the army, we must serve conscripts according to the Constitution, this is the constitutional duty of citizens, "the official representative of the Kremlin added.

We add that in March, a proposal to raise the draft age was submitted to the State Duma for consideration. It is assumed that in 2024, citizens aged 19 to 30 years will be subject to conscription for military service, in 2025 - from 20 to 30 years, in 2026 - from 21 to 30 years.