17 years ago, Elisabeth Öberg Ölund suffered a stroke and ended up in a wheelchair. That's when she got a permit printed out to be able to park in handicap spaces and the permit has been renewed over the years until the last application.

But when the doctor, whom she had not seen for over three years, wrote in the medical certificate that she can walk five meters on her own, it was abruptly no to a new parking permit on a disabled window.

Decision of the Court of Justice

The Administrative Court writes in its judgment that: "The medical evidence certainly supports that Elisabeth Öberg Ölund has a permanent disability that means that she has significant difficulties in moving around on her own. However, there is insufficient support in the medical evidence to establish that she cannot manage alone during the time the driver parks or picks up the vehicle. She does not, therefore, meet the conditions for being granted the authorisation applied for.'

There are no words for how upset I am that the administrative court also rejects my application. I can't go outside the home without the wheelchair and my husband is 88 years old and will help me in and out of the car in a regular parking lot that is cramped and difficult when you have to use a wheelchair," says Elisabeth Öberg Ölund.

But she hasn't given up.

– I have received a new medical certificate from another doctor and I will appeal. I won't give up!

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In the clip, you hear 80-year-old Piteå resident Elisabeth Öberg Ölund talk about how important the disability permit is to her. Photo: Jimmy Bäckström/SVT