Haaretz published an article calling for an end to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and considers it the root of the political crisis that is now plaguing Israel.

The author of the article, Haaretz journalist Carolina Landsman, argues that the political dispute should refocus on the root of the problem: the occupation.

Landsman says the political divide around the axis of the conflict must be reorganized. The right and left in Israel, each according to its vision of the world, should demand an Israeli initiative to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The American literary critic Frederick Jameson's dictum that "it is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism" holds true for Israelis, arguably it is easier to imagine the end of the State of Israel than to imagine the end of the occupation.

However, she sees the anti-government protest movement as opposition to the occupation, although the author admits that this was not mentioned in the protests. It also believes that the situation in Israel will not change for the better and things will not suddenly return to normal, unless the throats of the mighty forces of the people in the streets are raised and shout, "Enough. Stop the occupation."

In her article, Landsman highlighted that opposition to the occupation in Israeli circles has been absent for some time, and that "the struggle against the occupation has become an old political fashion, with no chance of returning," as well as the lack of attention to slogans demanding a two-state solution and peace.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu assassinated the peace process and inherited the fear of ceding territory, a fear that crushed the left.

"Do we expect the mainstream in Israel to act as a vanguard of political change, reviving old ideas, and daring to reopen the debate on the occupation?"

"Going back to Jameson's statement, we see that after 56 years of occupation, it is still difficult to think of Israel outside the borders of occupation."

Israelis must understand that all their problems are the result of the occupation, and that there will be no solution to any of those problems as long as there is no solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.