It's time to set sail

General Secretary Xi Jinping's guide to China's digital infrastructure construction

The nine-story platform starts from the soil.

Looking at the world, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation has accelerated evolution, and countries around the world have taken the promotion of digital infrastructure construction as an important driving force to achieve innovative development, constantly activating new applications, expanding new formats, and creating new models. In the context of the weak global economic recovery, digital infrastructure continues to support and lead the new direction of economic development with the power of key foundations.

The wind is lifting the sea and sky, and the clouds and sails are standing at the head of the tide.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, China's informatization digital development has risen and gained momentum, and the world's largest digital infrastructure with leading technology and superior performance has been built. China's development pulse is becoming stronger and stronger, and the strategic, fundamental and leading role of new digital infrastructure in supporting economic and social development has become increasingly prominent.

Grasp the "time" and "trend" and comprehensively deploy digital infrastructure construction

Throughout the history of world civilization, mankind has successively experienced the agricultural revolution, the industrial revolution and the information revolution, and each round of scientific and technological revolution has given birth to new infrastructure, further promoted the in-depth development of industrial transformation, and led new economic transformation and upgrading.

Those who want to build a house, first cure its foundation. General Secretary Xi Jinping has far-reaching thoughts on building the cornerstone of digital infrastructure construction, the development cornerstone of the information age.

On February 2014, 2, at the first meeting of the Central Leading Group for Cybersecurity and Informatization, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "We must have a good information infrastructure and form a strong information economy." "The strategic deployment of building a network power should be synchronized with the 'two centenary goals', and continue to advance towards the goals of basic popularization of network infrastructure, significant enhancement of independent innovation capabilities, comprehensive development of the information economy, and strong network security guarantees." Standing at the height of history and the overall situation, General Secretary Xi Jinping assessed the situation and put forward the strategic goal of building a network power, and regarded having a good information infrastructure as an important part of building a network power.

Whenever new opportunities and changes emerge, whoever grasps the opportunities first and embraces the changes will win the development opportunities. At that time, as a new economic form, the information economy was becoming an important way to promote economic growth and an important force for driving innovation and development. Promoting the all-round development of the information economy with information infrastructure construction is an important strategic measure to plan, move and follow the trend.

In 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a major judgment that China's economic development has entered the new normal, and profoundly expounded the characteristics of speed change, structural optimization and power conversion under the new normal: the economic development mode is shifting from extensive growth of scale and speed to intensive growth of quality and efficiency, the economic structure is shifting from incremental capacity expansion to deep adjustment of adjusting stock and optimizing incremental coexistence, and the driving force of economic development is shifting from traditional growth points to new growth points.

The new normal requires new motivation, where does the new impetus come from? "We must strengthen the construction of information infrastructure, strengthen the in-depth integration of information resources, and open up the information 'artery' of economic and social development." General Secretary Xi Jinping used the "main artery" as a metaphor to profoundly explain the strategic, basic and leading role of information infrastructure in economic and social development. Strengthening the construction of information infrastructure and using information flow to drive the flow of technology, capital, talent and materials will help promote the rapid flow of resources and elements, accelerate the integration of market entities, and improve the efficiency and quality of economic operation.

The profound insight and accurate grasp of the general trend of development are inseparable from long-term theoretical thinking and practical exploration.

As early as the 20s of the 80th century, Comrade Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Ningde Prefectural Party Committee of Fujian Province, was keenly aware of the important role of information infrastructure in the economy and society, pointing out, "To develop the economy, post and telecommunications must go first." "Compared with the small investment in post and telecommunications, the results are fast and feasible, and the improvement of communication can make up for the lack of transportation." This is the so-called 'feet are not long enough, with the help of tailwind ears'. Under the strong promotion of Comrade Xi Jinping, Ningde has achieved the communication leap of "weak birds fly first", the local hardware investment environment has been greatly improved, and enterprises have sprung up in eastern Fujian.

In the new century, on May 2002, 5, the 17th World Telecommunication Day, Comrade Xi Jinping, then governor of Fujian Province, published a signed article entitled "Bridging the Digital Divide and Building a Service Economy" in Fujian Daily. In this article, Comrade Xi Jinping regards the construction of informatization infrastructure as an important part of promoting digital Fujian, and points out the way forward for accelerating the digital transformation of informatization in Fujian.

At present, the wave of information revolution is surging, and technologies such as the Internet, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain are accelerating innovation, increasingly integrated into the whole process of economic and social development, and accelerating the construction of new infrastructure with digital infrastructure as the core is increasingly prominent.

In 2018, the Central Economic Work Conference put forward: "China's development at this stage of investment demand potential is still huge, to play a key role in investment, increase manufacturing technology transformation and equipment upgrading, accelerate the pace of 5G commercialization, strengthen artificial intelligence, industrial Internet, Internet of Things and other new infrastructure construction." "This is the first time that new infrastructure construction has appeared at a meeting at the central level.

In 2020, the construction of new infrastructure appeared many times in the meetings of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the Executive Meeting of the State Council. On January 1, the executive meeting of the State Council proposed to "introduce new infrastructure investment support policies such as information networks"; On February 3, the 2th meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform pointed out that "infrastructure is an important support for economic and social development, and it is necessary to take overall optimization and coordinated integration as the guide, coordinate the development of stock and incremental, traditional and new infrastructure, and create an intensive, efficient, affordable, intelligent, green, safe and reliable modern infrastructure system"; On March 14, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting and pointed out that "accelerating the progress of 3G networks, data centers and other new infrastructure construction"...

These requirements are important judgments made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core with deep insight and keen grasp of the general trend of information revolution, and are important guidelines for accelerating the construction of digital infrastructure.

In today's era, the development of the digital economy is unprecedentedly fast, widespread, and influential, and is becoming a key force for reorganizing global factor resources, reshaping the global economic structure, and changing the global competition pattern.

In October 2021, a collective study on "promoting the healthy development of China's digital economy" was held in Zhongnanhai. "It is necessary to accelerate the construction of new infrastructure, strengthen the strategic layout, accelerate the construction of high-speed ubiquitous, space-ground integration, cloud-network integration, intelligent and agile, green and low-carbon, safe and controllable intelligent comprehensive digital information infrastructure, and open up the information 'artery' of economic and social development." General Secretary Xi Jinping has clarified the direction of China's digital information infrastructure construction, which is highly strategic, targeted and instructive, and provides scientific guidance for promoting the construction of digital information infrastructure with high quality.

In April 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the 4th meeting of the Central Financial and Economic Commission to study the issue of comprehensively strengthening infrastructure construction. The meeting pointed out: "Accelerate the construction of new infrastructure and upgrade the level of traditional infrastructure. "Comprehensively promote the development of traditional infrastructure and new infrastructure construction, between "new" and "old", is the burst of development vitality and the transformation of development momentum.

Facing the new era, a series of deployments have been launched one after another. The Outline of the 2035th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the Long-Range Goals for 2022 lists "accelerating the construction of new infrastructure" as a special section; The "2035th Five-Year Plan" National Informatization Plan proposes to build a ubiquitous intelligent digital infrastructure system; The 5th Five-Year Plan for the Development of the Digital Economy proposes to optimize and upgrade digital infrastructure; The Outline of the Strategic Plan for Expanding Domestic Demand (<>-<>) calls for the systematic deployment of new infrastructure; Various localities have set up target plans for the construction of <>G base stations in the new year to systematically promote the construction of digital infrastructure.

From the central to the local level, a series of specific arrangements have been intensively implemented, the implementation of digital infrastructure projects that benefit the present and focus on the future has been accelerated, and the information "artery" has been continuously opened, activating a pool of economic spring water. With the strong support of digital infrastructure, the scale of China's digital economy reached 2021.45 trillion yuan in 5, ranking second in the world in total.

On July 2021, 7, President Xi Jinping was invited to attend the APEC Economic Leaders' Informal Meeting in Beijing and delivered a speech by video. President Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the construction of digital infrastructure and strive to build an open, fair and non-discriminatory digital business environment. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xueren

Shaping new momentum and new advantages for development, and opening up the information "artery" of economic and social development

"If you want to be rich, build roads first", this is a simple truth that Chinese has passed down orally and witnessed with your own eyes. In the digital age, this "road" is showing new meaning and creativity.

In recent years, China has continuously strengthened the layout of digital infrastructure, coordinated the construction of network infrastructure, computing power infrastructure, application infrastructure, etc., vigorously promoted the systematic development and large-scale deployment of digital infrastructure, achieved remarkable results, and injected strong impetus into the high-quality development of China's economy.

-- Network infrastructure has developed by leaps and bounds

"Officially opened!" With the opening of the 5G test base station in Dulongjiang Township, Yunnan Province, and the successful dialing of the first 5G high-definition video call in the province, "Internet + Education", "Internet + Medical" and "Internet + E-commerce" have landed in Dulongjiang Township, allowing the Dulong people, the last nation to enter the modern society in the past, to realize the dream of "leaping over a thousand years" of informatization.

From the city to the countryside, from the mine to Mount Everest, from the island to the Gobi, climb towers, install antennas, lay optical cables... China's network infrastructure builders are not afraid of difficulties and overcome difficulties to create the world's largest 5G boutique network covering the whole country, with advanced technology and excellent quality.

From 1G blank, 2G following, to 3G breakthrough, 4G parallel running, to the number of 5G base stations, independent networking scale, and terminal connection number ranked first in the world, why can China's 5G lead the world?

The key lies in playing "first-hand chess" and playing the "active battle" well.

As early as 2013, China established a 5G promotion group (IMT-2020 promotion group) composed of "production, learning, research and application" to promote 5G technology research and development, verify technical solutions, and support the formulation of international standards.

Three years later, in January 3, China announced the full launch of 2016G technology R&D experiments, and planned to carry out 1G key technology trials, 5G technology solutions and system verification in phases in the three years from 2016~2018; In July, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council issued the Outline of the National Informatization Development Strategy, which clearly proposed that breakthroughs will be made in the research and development and standards of fifth-generation mobile communication (5G) technology by 5.

Those who do always succeed, those who do, and history never fails those who do.

June 2019, 6 is a significant day in China's 6G commercial process. On this day, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued 5G commercial licenses to China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Radio and Television, and China officially entered the first year of 5G commercialization. According to data from the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, in terms of direct economic and social contribution, it is estimated that from 5 to 2020, China's total economic output directly driven by 2025G commercialization will reach 5.10 trillion yuan. The tide is stirring, and thousands of springs are rushing. China became the first country in the world to build 6G networks on a large scale based on the independent networking model. By the end of 5, a total of 2022.5 million 231G base stations had been built and opened in China; China has declared 1,8 5G standard-essential patent families, accounting for nearly 40% of the world.



  从发布“宽带中国”战略,到全面实施信息进村入户工程、推进网络提速降费,光纤宽带跨越山海,连接起中华大地每一个角落。目前,我国已实现 “村村通宽带”“县县通5G”“市市通千兆”,农村与城市“同网同速”基本实现,城乡数字鸿沟有效弥合。

















Following the development law and complying with the needs of the industry, a series of top-level design and planning have been intensively launched. The "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of a National Integrated Big Data Center Collaborative Innovation System" proposes to optimize the layout of data center construction; The "Implementation Plan of the Computing Power Hub of the Collaborative Innovation System of the National Integrated Big Data Center" requires improving the level of cross-regional computing power scheduling...

In February 2022, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Cyberspace Administration of China and other departments jointly issued a notice agreeing to start the construction of national computing power hub nodes in eight places, including Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Chengdu-Chongqing, Inner Mongolia, Guizhou, Gansu and Ningxia, and planned 2 national data center clusters. At this point, the "East Data and West Calculation" project has been officially launched, opening a new chapter in the cross-regional overall layout of China's land space computing power resources.

China's first computing power town opened in Hangzhou, Zhejiang; Chengdu Intelligent Computing Center, Lanzhou New Computing Power Industry Demonstration Center, Yellow River Basin Ecological Environment Computing Power Center, etc. have been launched one after another; Tencent, Huawei, Ali and other network information companies accelerate the implementation of projects in national computing power hub nodes... Stepping on the drum beat of the "East Data and West Calculation" project, the national computing power hub node has frequently added new engines, and the computing power agglomeration effect in China has initially appeared.

In line with the development of the times, making good use of new production factors of data and new productivity of computing power, so that data elements can fully flow and data vitality can be fully stimulated, China's economy is ushering in a broader blue ocean. At present, the construction plans of computing power hub nodes in eight countries have entered the stage of deepening implementation, and the scale of new data centers exceeds 8.110 million standard racks. There are 497 ultra-large and large-scale data centers and 20 intelligent computing centers in use nationwide; The proportion of data centers in the western region has steadily increased, and the national computing power structure has been gradually optimized. Build a number of national new generation artificial intelligence public computing power open innovation platforms; The computing power infrastructure has reached the world's leading level.

——Application infrastructure empowers thousands of industries

In 2023, the World Economic Forum announced the latest list of global "lighthouse factories", with a total of 18 new factories selected, of which China accounted for 8, reflecting the important weight of "intelligent manufacturing in China" in the new wave of global industrial transformation.

Since the 2017th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has attached great importance to the development of the industrial Internet. "It is necessary to deeply implement the industrial Internet innovation and development strategy." In December 12, the <>th Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee conducted the second collective study on the implementation of the national big data strategy. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "continue to do a good job in the deep integration of informatization and industrialization, and promote the accelerated development of the manufacturing industry to digitalization, networking and intelligence", pointing out the direction for the development of China's industrial Internet.

The "Guiding Opinions on Deepening the Development of Industrial Internet in "Internet + Advanced Manufacturing" was issued and implemented, which has become a programmatic document for the development of China's industrial Internet; The Outline of the 2035th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the Long-Range Goals for 2021 proposes to accelerate the construction of new infrastructure for the industrial Internet; The Action Plan for the Innovation and Development of the Industrial Internet (2023-<>) clarifies the phased goals and key tasks of the development of the Industrial Internet... With the continuous improvement of top-level planning, the development of China's industrial Internet is fast, and the integration and application continue to deepen, providing a steady stream of new momentum for high-quality economic and social development.

Up to now, China has built more than 150 industrial Internet platforms with certain regional and industry influence, and the number of industrial equipment connections has exceeded 7900 million sets; The national top node of the industrial Internet identification resolution system has been fully completed, and important progress has been made in the construction of 5G+ industrial Internet infrastructure. The construction of regional sub-centers of Chongqing, Shandong, Zhejiang and other national industrial Internet big data centers has been further promoted...... From entering enterprises and parks to connecting more industrial clusters, the construction of industrial Internet infrastructure has accelerated, empowering thousands of industries and gathering into a powerful potential energy for industrial transformation and upgrading.

In line with the development trend of digitalization, networking and intelligence, a new round of digital transformation and upgrading is sweeping through many traditional infrastructure fields such as transportation, energy, and water conservancy.

The Ministry of Transport issued the Action Plan for New Infrastructure Construction in the Field of Transportation (2021-2025), which proposes seven major construction actions, including smart highways, smart waterways, smart ports, and smart hubs, focusing on promoting transportation to improve efficiency, expand functions, and increase kinetic energy; The National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration issued the <>th Five-Year Plan for Modern Energy System to accelerate the digital and intelligent upgrading of the energy industry; The Ministry of Water Resources issued the "Guiding Opinions on Vigorously Promoting Smart Water Conservancy Construction", proposing to accelerate the construction of digital twin basins and digital twin projects, and strengthen the functions of "forecasting, early warning, rehearsal, and planning"...

Rapid development of smart grids, intelligent coal mines, and smart thermal power plants; The construction of a "safe, smooth, low-carbon and efficient" transportation network is accelerating; The smart water conservancy system with the digital twin basin as the core has accelerated... With the empowerment of digital technology, the level of application infrastructure represented by the industrial Internet, Internet of Things, Internet of Vehicles, etc. in China has been continuously improved, and the digitalization and intelligent transformation and upgrading of traditional infrastructure have been accelerating, releasing surging development vitality.

Thousands of sails are racing to the spring tide, and a hundred boats are competing for the current at the right time.

Broadband network construction drives the rapid growth of e-commerce; The construction of mobile Internet has spawned mobile payment applications; 4G and 5G network deployment promotes the development of live broadcast and other business formats... More new applications, more new scenarios, and more new business formats continue to emerge, and the digital infrastructure of ubiquitous intelligent connection is providing strong support, services and guarantees for the high-quality development of China's economy.

Give full play to the important role of digital infrastructure as an important foundation, and actively promote the new development pattern of informatization empowerment

One flower alone is not spring, and a hundred flowers bloom in the spring garden.

It is in the interests of the people of all countries in the world to benefit the world and promote the development and prosperity of cyberspace. In 2015, at the opening ceremony of the Second World Internet Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "accelerating the construction of global network infrastructure and promoting interconnection"; In 2021, at the APEC Economic Leaders' Informal Meeting, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "the global digital economy is an open and closely connected whole, win-win cooperation is the only right path, and closed, exclusive, antagonistic and divided will only lead to a dead end." It is necessary to strengthen the construction of digital infrastructure and strive to build an open, fair and non-discriminatory digital business environment"... In recent years, China has actively promoted international exchanges and cooperation in digital infrastructure, and a number of major digital projects have been implemented one after another. The construction of the "Belt and Road" digital transportation corridor and cross-border optical cable information channel has been accelerated, the China-ASEAN information port and the China-Arab online Silk Road have been further promoted, and the "Digital Silk Road Earth Big Data Platform" has realized multilingual data sharing... With a series of pragmatic actions, China has actively promoted all countries in the world to ride the express train of the development of the Internet and digital economy.

The digital warm current is constantly surging, and the development pulse is getting stronger and stronger.

In December 2022, the Central Economic Work Conference pointed out: "It is necessary to effectively drive the investment of the whole society through government investment and policy incentives, accelerate the implementation of major projects of the 12th Five-Year Plan, and strengthen interregional infrastructure connectivity." ”

On January 2023, 1, the 31th Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held the second collective study on accelerating the construction of a new development pattern. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "Appropriately advance the deployment of new infrastructure construction, expand investment in high-tech industries and strategic emerging industries, and continue to stimulate the vitality of private investment." ”

Looking at the list of major construction projects in 2023 in various places, 5G, industrial Internet, data centers, etc. have become hot words, and digital infrastructure construction is in full swing. Anhui proposed to accelerate the construction of Wuhu data center cluster; Hubei will build more than 5,2 new <>G base stations as an investment target; Fujian implements the "strong foundation" action of new infrastructure and cultivates cross-industry and cross-field industrial Internet platforms...

According to the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, during the "10th Five-Year Plan" period, China's new infrastructure construction is expected to drive investment of more than <> trillion yuan. As an important part of the modern infrastructure system, digital infrastructure plays an increasingly important role in stabilizing investment, adjusting structure, and benefiting people's livelihood, and has become an important support for the high-quality development of China's economy.

In February 2023, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the Overall Layout Plan for Digital China Construction, which put forward the overall layout of digital China construction in the new era from the overall and strategic height of the development of the Party and the country, and clarified the guiding ideology, main objectives, key tasks and safeguard measures for digital China construction. The document takes "opening up the artery of digital infrastructure" as an important part of consolidating the foundation of digital China's construction, pointing out the development direction for China's digital infrastructure construction and providing strong policy support.

The world's largest 5G network, the world's largest optical fiber network, the world's largest mobile Internet of Things network... More and more "the world's largest" have witnessed China's journey from an information age latecomer to catch up and complete a magnificent turnaround.

The volume of e-commerce transactions and the scale of mobile payment transactions ranked first in the world; The level of digitalization in agriculture has been accelerated, and precision operations have gradually become popularized; Industrial Internet applications have covered 45 major categories of national economy... Behind the impressive results is the innovation that digital infrastructure inspires.

In the decade of the new era, China actively conforms to the development trend of technological innovation, faces the major needs of economic and social development, appropriately advances the deployment and construction of digital infrastructure, accelerates the improvement of the intelligent and digital level of traditional infrastructure, and has achieved a number of world-leading results in the field of digital infrastructure construction.

The journey is vigorous, and the heavy task is to set off again. To embark on a new journey, we must take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on cyber power, accelerate the pace of digital infrastructure construction, continuously enhance independent innovation capabilities, strive to promote the vigorous development of the digital economy, lay a solid foundation for the construction of a network power and digital China, lead Chinese-style modernization with the drive of information digitalization, and forge ahead towards the grand goal of comprehensively building a modern socialist country and comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation! (Source: China Netspace 2023 Issue 2)