Beijing, 4 Apr (Xinhua) -- In response to China's Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen's visit to the United States in the name of "transit" and her meeting with US House Speaker McCarthy, a number of experts on both sides of the strait pointed out in interviews that Tsai Ing-wen's political activities in the United States under the guise of "transit" in an attempt to enhance official exchanges and substantive relations between the United States and Taiwan are essentially provocative acts of "relying on the United States to seek independence," seriously endangering peace and stability and international order in the Taiwan Strait. China's resolute countermeasures are completely justified, reasonable and necessary, fully demonstrating its strong determination, firm will and strong ability to safeguard national sovereignty, and clearly demonstrating a rational and responsible attitude towards safeguarding peace, stability and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

The United States and Taiwan have intensified their collusion and intensified, each with its own plans

Li Peng, director of the Institute of Taiwan Studies at Xiamen University, pointed out that Tsai Ing-wen's motive for "transit" is by no means simple, and the United States has its own calculations behind facilitating the so-called "transit," one is an attempt to "rely on the United States to seek independence," and the other is intended to "use Taiwan to control China." Tsai Ing-wen has colluded with the anti-China forces in the United States to play this "transit" trick many times, and her "Sima Zhao's heart is known to passers-by."

"The anti-China forces in the United States hit it off with Tsai Ing-wen, openly supporting Tsai Ing-wen's 'Taiwan independence' provocation, and attempting to set up obstacles to China's reunification, curb China's development and progress, and obstruct the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation by playing the 'Taiwan card.'" Li Peng said.

Lai Yueqian, a commentator on Taiwan's current affairs, believes that Tsai Ing-wen's "transit" attempts to use so-called "international activities" to highlight Taiwan and carry out "Taiwan independence" activities. The anti-China forces in the United States hope to put pressure on China by playing the "Taiwan card", manipulate relevant issues, and seek interests. To some extent, Tsai Ing-wen's various activities of "transit" are performances to cater to the anti-China forces in the United States.

Li Zhenguang, vice president of the Institute of Taiwan Studies at Beijing Union University, said that some extreme political forces in the United States have learned the essence of the Taiwan issue and have never stopped playing the "Taiwan card." Tsai Ing-wen's "transit" trip to the United States close to the "graduation trip" is also clearly seeking a so-called political or historical "breakthrough".

Undermining the one-China principle will be resolutely countered

Professor Zhu Songling of the Institute of Taiwan Studies of Beijing Union University stressed: The historical context of the Taiwan issue is clear, and the historical and legal facts of Taiwan being a part of China cannot be questioned. "Resolving the Taiwan issue is Chinese its own affair, an internal affair of China, and brooks no outside interference."

Liu Xiangping, director of the Institute of Taiwan Studies at Nanjing University, pointed out: The United States has made a solemn commitment in the three Sino-US joint communiques to recognize the Government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legitimate government of China and to recognize China's position, that is, there is only one China and Taiwan is a part of China. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, successive US administrations have made it clear that they want to pursue the one-China policy.

Zhu Songling held that the US side pays lip service to pursuing the one-China policy, but in fact it is constantly "cutting sausages" in an attempt to distort, tamper, blur, and hollow out the one-China principle. Lai Yueqian also pointed out that in fact, the actions of the US side are undermining its one-China policy.

The anti-China forces in the United States have long tried to intervene in the Taiwan issue, but under the resolute struggle of the Chinese people, their attempts have been thwarted again and again. "All kinds of words and deeds of the US side cannot change the nature of China's internal affair on the Taiwan issue, shake Taiwan's status as a part of China, and shake the broad consensus of the international community on the one-China principle." Li Peng said.

Li Zhenguang pointed out that Tsai Ing-wen's "transit" to the United States this time has triggered new turbulence in the situation in the Taiwan Strait. McCarthy's meeting with Tsai Ing-wen is an erosion and destruction of the one-China principle, and the US fully understands China's position. The collusion between Taiwan and the United States to undermine the one-China principle is the first, and China has no choice but to resolutely counteract it, which is completely justified, reasonable, and necessary.

"Resolutely safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, China does what it says, and also maintains peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait with a rational and responsible attitude." He said.

Taiwan's future lies in national reunification

Experts pointed out that whether it is "relying on the United States to seek independence" or "using Taiwan to contain China," it will lead to tension and turbulence in cross-strait relations, jeopardize peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, undermine the prospects for peaceful reunification, bring disastrous consequences to Taiwan, and seriously damage the interests and well-being of Taiwan compatriots.

Li Peng said: The anti-China forces in the United States are becoming more and more unscrupulous and unscrupulous, and the DPP authorities are blindly willing to be the pawn of the United States to contain China, and defecting to the United States is tantamount to "playing with fire with salaries" and going further and further down the wrong road in order to seek "independence," which will bring serious consequences to Taiwan.

Wang Kun-yi, chairman of Taiwan's International Strategy Society, believes that if Tsai Ing-wen continues to "rely on the United States to seek independence," she is likely to make a mistake and leave the Taiwan people with eternal hatred.

Liu Xiangping pointed out that the DPP authorities' "relying on the United States to seek independence" has aggravated the tension in the Taiwan Strait, and the society on the island has become more and more dissatisfied, and criticism has been intensifying. "The United States has never cared about Taiwan's future and the welfare of its people. Forcing TSMC to move to the United States and sell weapons to Taiwan is clearly aimed at hollowing out Taiwan and making the people on the island become 'cannon fodder' for war. ”

Zhu Songling said: The DPP authorities colluded with external forces and constantly carried out provocations seeking "independence," which is unpopular. "The Taiwan people are seeing more and more through the ugly drama of Taiwan-US collusion. Seeking peace, not war, development rather than confrontation, is the mainstream public opinion on the island. He pointed out that the recent warm-up of cross-strait exchanges and the strong call of the people on the island for the resumption of cross-strait exchanges and exchanges as soon as possible are proof of this.

"Taiwan's future lies in national reunification." Liu Xiangping called on the broad masses of the Taiwan people to thoroughly understand the bad intentions and serious harm of the United States in "using Taiwan to contain China," fully understand that "reunification is beneficial, 'Taiwan independence' is a dead end, and the United States cannot be relied upon," conform to the general trend of history, adhere to the general national righteousness, resolutely oppose "Taiwan independence" and interference by external forces, and work with mainland compatriots to safeguard the overall interests of the Chinese nation. (Reporter Shang Hao, Shi Longhong, Zhang Lixin, Xu Xueyi, Huang Yang, Lu Huadong, Wang Chenghao)