According to him, Polish experts advise to restore the historical Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

In-depth cooperation between the regions of Ukraine and Poland would solve the issue of Kiev's accession to the EU and NATO, the journalist is sure.

Thus, Grosse believes, it is possible to ensure the "stability and security" of Europe.

At the same time, such a union of Poland and Ukraine will allow the United States to focus on the Pacific Ocean, he said.

According to the former Polish Ambassador to Russia Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz, the idea of creating a single state between Poland and Ukraine is unrealizable and does not meet the interests of Warsaw.

On April 5, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that "after the victory" there will be no borders between Ukraine and Poland.

Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin noted that the Polish leadership is waiting for a good moment to gain control over the western territories of Ukraine.