Hear the couple talk more in the clip about the increased interest in eggs

With just over 300 hens, the couple is a small egg producer. They pick the eggs themselves every day and package and sell in their farm shop.

"It's just me who goes in to the hens and we are very careful to protect the animals," says Stig Samuelsson, pointing towards the barn where the hens live.

The couple is relieved to be spared from illness. But several major Swedish producers have been hit hard during the year. Among other things, there have been large outbreaks of salmonella and bird flu in the egg industry.

Deficit of eggs

This has led to hundreds of thousands of birds being killed and Sweden running out of eggs. In some stores, there have not been eggs to buy for Easter.

"We are noticing a big difference and there is increased pressure. Especially this weekend. It rings all the time and if you haven't got hold of eggs, you start looking in new places," says Lilian Samuelsson.