The son of Enrique Morente is passionate about Holy Week and will sing tomorrow Friday at 20.30 hours in the procession of the Christ of Medinaceli in Madrid, when the encounter with the Virgin of Solitude takes place, at the height of the Church of the Calatravas.

How did the initiative to sing this saeta come about? I am very excited because I was born in Holy Week in Granada. In my land, Andalusia, Holy Week is lived in a very intense way. And Madrid is my second home, it is a land to which I owe a lot.Do you know the processions that run through the capital these days? A few years ago I started to live Holy Week in Madrid. My grandmother -may she rest in peace- was devoted to the Christ of Medinaceli and I began to take a very special feeling. When they called me and asked me if I could sing a saeta it made me super excited.Is it the first time you do it or have you sung more times? In Granada we do usually sing saetas. It is lived very spontaneously. There is the saeta prepared in some church, but the beautiful thing is that it can be sung in any corner in any procession and at any time. I really like authentic saetas, those that start playing in the background when you least expect it. I would keep the arrows that my father sang in the Brotherhood of the Garden and Bitterness at two in the morning. What does Holy Week mean to you? Passion, emotion, faith, religion and, above all, tradition. If this is not instilled in you as a child, maybe you do not understand it either. It's like everything. I am a great believer and I separate the inner faith, what one believes – which is Jesus in my case – from what tradition is. Now I'm recording a new album and we're still touring with my previous album El cante. We have just performed in Madrid with a very nice concert.Are you exploring new things? I'm looking for both: trying to pull for the orthodox and also for the new things. I'm involved in two recordings and when I decide we will take it out.Does being born in the Albaicín print character? Well, yes. The granaíno already has a lot of character and roots. My album Albayzín took the name of the neighborhood because it is very flamenco and it is where I have learned practically everythingThe mass tourism has devastated the neighborhood. Is there anything authentic left? Yes. It's like a roulette, when almost everything is lost, there is always a place where you can breathe some fresh air. There are a couple of places where you can enjoy good artists and pure flamenco.What were you afraid of as a child? To the brave bull. I wanted to be a bullfighter and I was very afraid of the bull. Then I had to become a guitaristI didn't know you wanted to be a bullfighter. Well, they had instilled it in us at home and I liked it a lot. Yes, I toreé and he stepped on me. He didn't catch me, he just stepped on me and I didn't want to bullfight anymore. Your father fell in love with a gypsy from the Rastro, Aurora Carbonell. What relationship do you have with Madrid? I am a Grenadian who owes a lot to Madrid. He has given me my mother, my music and it is where I became a man and, practically, where I took to the streets. I grew up in the Rastro. I have lived what this city gives you. Madrid is the court. He is the younger brother of Estrella and Soleá Morente. Do you feel overshadowed by them? No, the other way around. They are always present, they support me and we have projects in common. I get a sense of support, advantage and encouragement. But being the third is harder to break through in music, right? I honestly don't think so. My sister Soleá has fought a lot playing in other fields that is much more difficult. And I admire her madly. I have pulled more for flamenco, which I have had more at hand, but Soleá is the Is the little brother always the most spoiled? Of course, and the truth is that my sisters have always been a little angry at both. To this day I have to say to my mother, "Mom, I'm already an age. Leave me alone!" Are you still living with her? Yes, I already have my space in Granada and she is based in Madrid. But I am always close to my mother. And since I'm single, who better than her? I'm not going to be all day with the flamingos hanging around... To say Morente is to say transgression. What does Kiki transgress in? More than transgressing I try to translate tradition. I try new sounds with the materials we have today. But I don't try to be an inventor. It's all made up. Well, your father did Is being Enrique Morente's son too heavy a slab? It has always weighed on me as a responsibility, really. There is also a point of having certain facilities. It is a double-edged sword. But I'm transforming it over time. It is more of an enjoyment than a peso. I interviewed your sisters and they complained that there was still a lot of machismo in flamenco. I think there is much more machismo in Formula 1 and in many sports than in flamenco. There is still no girl who drives and I don't know why they won't let her. In flamenco there are cantaoras and bailaoras por un tubo.Do you mind that for many you are the ex-boyfriend of Sara Carbonero? How did you feel being fodder for the press of the heart? Well, the truth is that a little infected and intoxicated. Your mother claims that you have girlfriends in every corner of Spain and mothers never lie. [Laughs] I don't think so. So much I do not arrive.What is your weapon of seduction? I don't know. There is none in particular. Be pure and a good person.And how do you handle breakups? Well. Some Wednesdays better and others worse.And do you dump them in the songs? Now the themes of heartbreak like those of Shakira or Miley Cyrus are fashionable.We have always sung to love and the problems of one and the other. But these are cases that go to an extreme. I don't see myself publishing the lives of others in a song.What has been the biggest flamenco spree you've run? The most recent was at my grandmother's house, which now lives with my sister Estrella. The other day after the concert I gave on March 26 at the Pavón Theater there were many people from the cinema, the theater, writers, flamencos by a tube, musicians of all kinds ... A super nice mix was created. My mother and Estrella started singing and it was a beautiful party. The Child of Elche maintains that three kilos of ham are much more harmful than a ray of coca.Joe, el Paquito! I don't know. I don't think so. I am more of ham.Do you learn from suffering? You learn to know how to cope better with suffering next time. The lesson is that the next time you suffer it can be carried differently. It's not that you suffer less, but you have more experience.

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