United States: Trump appears in New York court, the day after

Former US President Donald Trump, in court for his impeachment, Tuesday, April 4, 2023, in New York. AP - Curtis Means

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The former US president was officially notified on Tuesday, April 4, of the charges against him: 34 counts. The prosecutor in charge of the investigation suspects him of falsifying his company's accounts by declaring as "legal fees" bribes paid to at least three people to buy their silence. The main case concerns former X actress Stormy Daniels, to whom he allegedly paid $ 130,000 just days before the 2016 presidential election, to stop claiming that they had slept together.


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After Donald Trump's appearance in Manhattan, what will happen now? What are the major steps ahead for Donald Trump on the judicial and political level?

First, the court will transmit to Donald Trump's lawyers all the file on which the accusation is based. This should happen before the end of the month. Then, the billionaire's team planned to quickly file a whole series of appeals. Objective: to prevent the case from reaching the stage of a trial, or to delay as much as possible the date of this possible trial.

His lawyers could also ask that the Manhattan court, which is handling this case, be removed from the case, and that Mr. Trump be tried in another state of the country.

The judge who presided over Tuesday's hearing has set the next summons for Dec. 4. It is in theory on this date that he will accept or reject the various appeals presented by Donald Trump's lawyers.

It will be two months almost to the day before the first Republican primary for the 2024 presidential election, in which Donald Trump is a candidate.

The billionaire should undoubtedly continue to use this case to ensure that he is the victim of persecution, and a politicized justice seeking according to him to avoid his return to power.

Donald Trump also remains the target of other judicial investigations, about the Capitol riots in January 2021, and the presidential election at the end of 2020. Investigations that could eventually lead to further indictments for the former president.

► Read also: In the headlines: Donald Trump appeared in a court in New York

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  • United States
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