Today, Frida, Evelina and their older sister live close to their parents in Mora so that they can be available when needed.

"It feels a bit like life is on pause, but we want to be here when dad needs us," says Frida.

Want to help more young people

The sisters' father was only 60 when he was diagnosed. When he became ill, Frida and Evelina did not know that you could get dementia when you are so young.

"I had the impression that it only affects older people who live in a home," says Evelina von Seth.

Today, the sisters are fighting for more young relatives to get better information about dementia diseases. Among other things, Frida and Evelina are ambassadors in the Alzheimer's Foundation. Their father supports the commitment, but he himself has chosen to stay out of the spotlight.

"It was mindblowing" – hear the sisters talk about how they got help in the clip.