In the clip above, you hear Allan Stutzinsky talk about his thoughts after the incident The incident

took place in June last year and was captured by a surveillance camera. The can was thus empty, but according to the prosecution, the artist has made derogatory remarks about Jews with reference to race, creed and ethnic group. It also allegedly threatened the members of the congregation.

Zyklon B was used by the Nazis in extermination camps during World War II.

Don't understand the criticism

Dan Park denies any wrongdoing and does not understand at all why he is being prosecuted for what he himself calls an "anti-racist installation".

"I think it's insane, absolutely sick. They say that we must never forget the Holocaust and then I remind you of that and then I am prosecuted.

You mean it was an anti-racist work of art?

– Yes, exactly. An anti-racist installation.

Do you understand that it may have been perceived as unpleasant?

"I don't understand, it was an empty can.

Think law should be removed

He also believes that the law on incitement to racial hatred should be removed completely, and that it must be free to make fun of religions.

"They have tried to prosecute Paludan several times but nothing has come of it, so it is more sensitive to criticize Holocaust religions.

Why did you feel this was an important installation?

"Haha, I don't know. There may be a debate about the Holocaust again.

Debate, is it important?

"Yes, they claim so.

Who claims that?

"The politically correct, I myself have never said that.

Convicted several times

Dan Park has been convicted of hate speech several times before.

As recently as February 17, he was charged at Malmö District Court with hate speech on six different occasions between 2020 and 2022, including for painting swastikas and making Hitler salutes, writes Dagens Nyheter.