It was the reactor's pressure holder that was the missing link. What happened was a unique event not observed at any other nuclear power plant.

"We simply had to start with a blank sheet and what we have done, among other things, is that we have built a copy of the pressure holder itself," says Gudmundur Gudmundsson, head of the department responsible for repairing the pressure holder.

The reason why a replica was built was to be able to practice repair operations in a safe environment.

Full power is pushed forward

The plan was for the restart to be completed by Wednesday evening, when the reactor was again expected to reach full capacity. However, a minor steam leak has put a stop to this and the restart has been slowed down. How this will be remedied is still unclear. Right now, the reactor is running at a capacity of around 70 percent.

In the clip, you can follow Ringhals and see what it is that has caused the restart to be delayed time and time again.