This is written by Politico, citing sources.

"The question remains whether these arms contracts will be concluded exclusively with EU companies, or whether they will be open to external manufacturers," the material says.

As the newspaper notes, France insists that contracts be concluded with companies within the European Union. Greece and Cyprus support France in connection with their desire to avoid concluding contracts with Turkish producers.

On March 31, the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, in a comment for Der Standard, said that the events in Ukraine showed the readiness of the European Union to "break the taboo" if necessary.

According to him, since the beginning of the Russian special operation in Ukraine, the European Union "has shown that it knows what is at stake."

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that the EU countries are close to discussing the sending of peacekeeping troops to Ukraine.

He recalled that a year ago in the EU there were discussions on whether it is possible to send lethal weapons to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.