The incident occurred in August last year, when an argument broke out outside a high school in Gothenburg. Two of those involved in the disturbance jumped into a car and hit two people on the walkway outside the school.

According to the police, the two men are part of a criminal network, as does one of the plaintiffs. The younger of the two defendants was sentenced to three years in prison by the district court. The elder was acquitted completely because he had only been a passenger.

Now the Court of Appeal is changing the sentence against the younger man. On the one hand, he is convicted of two counts of aggravated assault instead of one, since there are two plaintiffs. At the same time, the sentence is reduced to two years and six months in prison, writes G-P.

Here the witness Magnus tells about the incident:

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Magnus Berg saw the collision at the upper secondary school in central Gothenburg – follow along to the scene in the clip and hear the witness talk about the shocking event. Photo: Elin Schwartz/SVT