Finland: what future for the young Sanna Marin defeated in the legislative elections?

Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin in Helsinki after her defeat in the parliamentary elections, April 2, 2023. AP - Sergei Grits

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In Finland, this Thursday, April 6, the Prime Minister must present the resignation of her government, after its defeat in the legislative elections. The Social Democratic Party (SDP) was beaten by the centre-right and the nationalists. The 37-year-old leader, a very popular figure at home and abroad, says she will leave the head of her party and seems to be aiming for a less exposed life.


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Beaten in the legislative elections by the National Coalition Party, Kok, but also the Finns Party (PS), she now hopes to have a "calmer" life, freed from many "responsibilities".

Sanna Marin took stock of her three and a half years at the head of the government, in a press conference. She says she has gone through "exceptionally difficult times", where her "own endurance has been tested".

The youngest head of government in the world when she succeeded the former SDP leader in 2019, Sanna Marin was praised for her handling of the Covid pandemic. It was also she who led her country to join NATO.

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It has not escaped scandals. When she was filmed dancing and singing with friends at a party last summer, critics denounced irresponsible and inappropriate ways for a prime minister.

Drawing conclusions from Sunday's vote, Sanna Marin announced that she would not seek another term as SDP leader at the next congress in September, a position she had held for two and a half years.

Brushing aside speculation, she says she has not received an offer of an international position and that she would continue her work as a simple MP. She also seems to rule out the idea of becoming a minister in a possible coalition government.

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