"To joke about how a person died, well, it's not human, whatever. How can you laugh and mock?" she said in an interview with FAN.

According to her, this a priori can not be shown on stage, since this is human life and the lives of people who were nearby.

"How can you laugh at their condition, at the state of their families? Well, it affects everything at once. This is a huge platform for reflection, "the actress believes.

Earlier, State Duma Deputy Yana Lantratova appealed to Bastrykin with a request to check the performance of comedians Alexander Dolgopolov and Garik Hovhannisyan, who parodied the presentation of the statuette to military commander Vladlen Tatarsky.

The terrorist attack, as a result of which Tatarsky was killed, occurred on April 2 in the cafe "Street Bar" on the University Embankment in the center of St. Petersburg.