It is the retail agreement and the warehouse and e-commerce agreement that has now been negotiated between the Swedish Trade Federation and the Trade Union of Trade Employees.

The retail agreement covers almost 160,000 employees and is thus the largest collective agreement in the private labour market. In total, the two agreements that have now been signed include close to 200,000 employees, writes the Swedish Trade Federation.

Swedish Trade Federation: "Statement of Strength"

"It is a sign of strength that trade delivers agreements that follow the industry's mark, and we hope that it can also contribute to stability in the labour market in the continued wage round. The high level of this year's mark will be very challenging for large parts of the retail sector, but in a long-term perspective it is important to now stand up for the Swedish wage formation model and brand setting," says Ola Axelsson, Head of Negotiations at the Swedish Trade Federation.

As usual, industry was first out in the collective bargaining round, where 450 collective agreements covering two million wage earners are being renegotiated.

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Negotiation expert: How to succeed best in salary negotiations. Photo: SVT