School nurse Jennie Vigholm thinks it's a shame, who says that it is quite common for her to receive visits from students with period-related problems.

At the same time, she understands why the situation is as it is when it comes to access to the school.

- I don't know if it is the school that should offer menstrual protection to all girls for free.

It's a hard question.

Of course it would be good if it was free, but it costs the school too, says Jennie Vigholm, school nurse at S:t Eskil's high school.

Motion from the Left Party 2019

The issue of free menstrual protection in the municipality has been dealt with before when the Left Party in March 2019 submitted a motion to make menstrual protection free for junior high and high school students during a two-year test period.

That time, however, it was refused, and both the elementary school board and the upper secondary school board justified it by saying that access to free menstrual protection was already provided in case of urgent need.

In the clip, you hear school nurse Jennie Vigholm about menstrual protection at school.