• PP Feijóo will not go to Congress in the motion of no confidence to not participate in the Vox "circus"

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The content of the speech of the motion of censure is right now the best kept secret both in Vox and in the environment of Ramón Tamames.

Its final wording was the reason that delayed the economist's step forward and the official confirmation by Santiago Abascal, who has already registered the initiative in Congress and says he "settles for" a "minimum coincidence" with his candidate, the first independent to lead a motion in our democracy.

The truth is that there are many more differences than similarities between the ideas of the former leader of the


and those of Vox, despite having been chosen for "embodied harmony above ideologies and partisanship."

Arcadi Espada

picks it up today

in his column in


: Tamames' proposal for


passes, among other points, through the recognition of the "Catalan Nation" through a "new status" for autonomy as a way to solve the escalation of tension derived from the secessionist process.

The economist referred to these terms in a letter sent to the former


of the Generalitat Artur Mas on October 3, 2017, just two days after the attempted referendum on 1-O and the same day that Felipe VI addressed the citizenship through his already famous televised speech.

The letter is included in Tamames' book

Where are you going, Catalonia?

(2014), whose reissue in 2018 includes the epistolary relationship that

the professor had with both Mas and the then Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, during the

process .

In his writings, Tamames weaves letter by letter a political program for Catalonia in which he addresses how to solve the conflict.

Abascal "contends" with a "minimum coincidence"

Among his proposals from the beginning of the


, the Vox candidate in the imminent motion of no confidence raises, for example, the transfer of the Senate to



He also the creation of a «

Ministry of Territorial Issues

», located in the same city.

In addition, he outlines the idea of ​​a

Federal Tax Agency

, the state pooling of regional public debt, as well as limiting the limits of interregional solidarity to no more than 4%, among other comments.

Letter of acceptance of Ramón Tamames.EM

All of these measures are at the ideological antipodes of the Vox discourse, whose first point of its electoral program in 2019 promised the "suspension of Catalan autonomy until the unmitigated defeat of the coup and the purging of civil and criminal responsibilities" if the party won in the polls.

Also the “transformation of the autonomous State into a unitary State of Law that promotes equality and solidarity instead of privileges and division.

A single government and a single parliament for all of Spain.

As a preliminary step: immediate return to the State of the powers of Education, Health, Security and Justice, limiting as much as possible the autonomous legislative capacity", for which the "revision" of the Catalan Statute of Autonomy that Tamames claimed from Rajoy and Mas remains , how much less,

In fact, for Tamames, this path that he asked to open to the highest leaders of the Government and the Generalitat is "The Great Occasion" to cool down the "high level of confrontation" and the "fatigue" that the Catalan question has generated in Spanish society in the last times.

Vox's plan: "Suspension of the CCAA until the end of the coup"

"In my opinion, it is time to make an offer of a possible agreement, to stop a perverse evolution that we could all later regret," Tamames explains in his letter to Mas.

«The possibility that I propose, if it can be carried out - and I already know that it is very difficult -, would be greeted by all as the Great Occasion.

And without prejudices or false premises, it would not be so difficult to reconsider the new status of Catalonia, and even the new name of the Community as the Catalan Nation».

As this newspaper has been reporting, the Tamames and Vox team agreed not to address in their motion speech aspects between which there are strong divergences between the economist and the party, such as abortion or the autonomous model.

"I have no fear that Tamames will make proposals that are not from Vox," Santiago Abascal specified yesterday after claiming the "independence" and "freedom" of the former PCE deputy when writing his speech, despite their differences of opinion. background.

Some discrepancies similar to those that a few days ago frustrated the arrival of the adviser proposed by the PP to the

Bank of Spain


Antonio Cabrales

, who resigned after being appointed for having supported the independence fugitive Clara Ponsatí.

Your proposals


As part of his "review", Tamames proposes, in the image and likeness of the Principality of Asturias, the Foral Community of Navarre or the Basque Country, to give Catalonia the "status" of "Catalan Nation".



The professor urges decentralization and to bring the Senate to Barcelona.

Also a newly created ministry, which would deal with "territorial issues."



The economist's commitment to Artur Mas and Mariano Rajoy involves the creation of a Federal Tax Agency or limiting the interregional solidarity limit to 4%.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • vox

  • Mariano Rajoy

  • Generalitat of Catalonia

  • Santiago Abascal Conde

  • Clara Ponsati

  • PP


  • Barcelona

  • Senate

  • Felipe VI

  • Arthur More

  • parental pin