It is clear that it was the same Russian hacker group - Cuba Ransomware - that was behind the cyber attack that then paralyzed the municipalities on Öland.

The situation quickly became very serious for the municipality.

- They had come a long way into our IT environment and acquired high permissions.

You were actually sitting on the main key to our entire IT environment.

As far in as possible, says Anna Drotz, IT director at Norrköping municipality.

Experts on IT security and this type of cyber attack were contacted.

- We then launched a strong counterattack and threw the attackers out and made sure they had no access, says Anna Drotz.

What does such a counterattack mean?

- Shutting down the entire IT environment and communication.

All accounts and passwords are deleted.

Quite comprehensive, then?

- Yes, it's not like just restarting a computer.

It really is like starting from scratch and rebuilding everything from scratch.

See and hear more in the video above.