Riyad Al-Shuaibi, political advisor to the head of the Tunisian Ennahda Movement, Rashid Ghannouchi, confirmed today, Thursday, that the latter was kept in a state of release after being interrogated in a “case related to terrorism.”

Al-Shuaibi added that the head of the Ennahda movement left today the National Guard barracks in Al-Awaina (north of the capital), after being kept free after hours of interrogation.

And regarding the case in which Ghannouchi is being prosecuted, Al-Shuaibi explained that it is a snitch from a member of a security union (which he did not name) who says that he "possess a recording of a meeting or a call between Ghannouchi and another person accused of terrorism."

The political advisor indicated that "Al-Washi did not provide any recording to the security squad," and despite that, Ghannouchi was subjected to interrogation, and the Tunisian authorities did not issue a comment on the matter.

Earlier this week, Ghannouchi appeared before the Anti-Terrorism Unit in El-Aouina for investigation, while the anti-terrorism judicial pole judge decided, last Tuesday, to keep the head of the Ennahda movement on release in another case brought against him by a security union.

Ghannouchi was previously investigated several times last year. A Tunisian judge interrogated him last July on suspicion of money laundering and "terrorism" in what is known as the "Namaa Association" case. Ghannouchi denied the charges and described them as politically motivated.

He was also investigated last November in what is known as the case of the content industry company “Anstalingo” in a court in the eastern city of Sousse.

In recent weeks, Tunisia has witnessed a campaign of arrests that included a number of political, media and trade union figures in various cases and suspicions, including "conspiracy against state security and corruption."