Valérie Darmon, with AFP 9 p.m., February 19, 2023

According to forecasts from Météo France, the weather on Monday will be, after the morning fog has dissipated, sunny over the southern half of the country and variable elsewhere.

The banks of fog will be quite numerous in the morning, over the regions of the Garonne valley in the Center.

They will also extend from the Rhône valley to the Saône valley.

The weather on Monday will be, after the morning fog has dissipated, sunny over the southern half of the country and variable elsewhere, according to forecasts from Météo-France.

The banks of fog will be quite numerous in the morning, over the regions of the Garonne valley in the Center.

They will also extend from the Rhône valley to the Saône valley.

Beautiful clearings in the south

Over a northwest quarter as well, the sky will be cluttered with low clouds.

Over the hours, the morning grayness will dissipate and give way to beautiful clearings in the South.

Elsewhere, the sun will manage to make beautiful appearances during the day.

North of the Seine, cloudy periods will be more frequent, as well as in Corsica and towards the coasts of Provence.

The autan wind will begin to strengthen in the evening.

Small frosts will be possible from Auvergne to Centre-Bourgogne.

On the rest of the country, we expect between 1 and 6 degrees from the North-East to Brittany, 3 to 8 degrees in the South, up to 6 to 11 degrees in the South-East.

The highs will remain mild with no less than 16 to 22 degrees in the Southwest, 10 to 16 degrees over the rest of the country.