Per-Åke Wahlund believes that the festival is arranged in six taverns instead of in a large exhibition hall, which is done in a number of places in the country with a similar theme, is part of the recipe for success for the Malt Festival.

- The guests find it a nice arrangement to walk around several places.

You can also take the opportunity to eat good food and you meet a lot of people - not just those who are out because it's a festival like it would be if you organized it in an exhibition hall, says Per-Åke Wahlund.

Want to continue developing

Although the festival continues to attract plenty of visitors and exhibitors, both international, national and local, they want to continue developing the concept.

- If you don't develop, you die yourself.

We can continue to work with how many and which suppliers are on site, but we have previously also received questions from visitors as to why we only run once a year.

So now we intend to try running a Malt Festival also in the autumn, sometime in the middle or end of September.

If it turns out well, we will probably make it permanent, says Per-Åke Wahlund.