In 20 years, cocaine in pubs has gone from a metropolitan phenomenon to something that is widespread across the country.

Four years ago, then Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said that the drug use of the rich in Djursholm and Danderyd is fueling gang crime.

Do you agree with him?

- On the whole, this was a well-reasoned statement, but there was a debate in connection with it being brought forward.

Not least from the opposition, there was criticism of the government for making the problem a little simpler than it was and turning it into a classic class struggle issue between right and left, says Gunnar strömmer.

SVT's review of almost 18,000 drug convictions shows that drug use is found across the country in all social classes.

The government now proposes that even those who sell small quantities of drugs should always be sentenced to prison, at least six months.

You go hard on the supply, but isn't it just as important to reduce the demand for drugs by increasing the penalties?

- The most effective way to achieve a real preventive effect on demand is to ensure that those who sell the drug are severely hunted and severely punished.

Then many more people who buy will join in the same turn, says Gunnar Strömmer.