The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation announced the detention of a Ukrainian citizen involved in sabotage at the facilities of the Moscow Railway (MZhD).

As stated in the Center for Public Relations of the FSB, we are talking about a saboteur recruited by the Security Service of Ukraine on the territory of Poland with the participation of the special services of this country.

In addition, the FSB noted that the check and preparation of the saboteur before being sent to Russia was carried out in Riga together with the Latvian special services.

At the end of November, an attacker under the guise of a refugee was sent from Latvia to Russia in order to legalize and obtain Russian citizenship.

“While in the capital region, at the command of the curator from the SBU, at night, the detainee set fire to two signaling cabinets, centralization and automatic blocking of the Moscow Railway,” the FSB said.

It is noted that the means of communication and electronic media containing photo and video reports, as well as correspondence with the SBU officer were confiscated from the saboteur.

During the interrogation, the detainee himself confirmed that he was recruited by the Ukrainian and Polish special services.

According to him, he was allegedly forced to cooperate.

  • Video by the DSP of the FSB of Russia on the detention of a citizen of Ukraine involved in sabotage actions at railway facilities

“I was forced to comply with all their demands, as they threatened physical violence against my daughter, who lives in Vinnitsa,” he said.

According to the detainee, when communicating with his daughter via video link, he allegedly noticed that she was at home, on the territory of Vinnitsa, but two SBU officers were with her.

On their instructions, he went to Latvia, and from there to Russia to obtain documents and subsequent employment and sabotage.

Earlier, in February, the National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC) announced that a group planning a terrorist attack at one of the railway stations had been neutralized in the Stavropol Territory.

It was reported that in order to neutralize the intruders in one of the districts of the Stavropol Territory, a counter-terrorist operation regime was introduced.

The bandits blocked in the house were asked to lay down their arms and surrender to the authorities, but they opened fire on law enforcement officers.

In early February, the FSB also announced the arrest of three Russian citizens involved in the preparation and commission of terrorist acts at railway infrastructure facilities in the Sverdlovsk region.

As clarified in the department, the attackers acted for a monetary reward on the instructions of Ukrainian neo-Nazis.

During the search, they seized the tools for committing crimes, the symbols of the Ukrainian nationalist armed formation, as well as communication and communication means containing the layout of the objects of the Sverdlovsk railway.

Criminal cases were initiated against the detainees under Art.

205 (“Act of terrorism”) and 205.1 (“Assistance to terrorist activities”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Detention of an Azov fighter in Rostov-on-Don

In addition, on February 15, the FSB also reported the arrest in Rostov-on-Don of a member of the Azov National Regiment * who arrived under the guise of a refugee.

According to the FSB, the man joined the structural unit of Azov in 2016.

Subsequently, under the guise of a refugee, he arrived on the territory of Russia, where he attempted to legalize himself.

“Despite the recognition of Azov as a terrorist organization, adhering to ultra-right neo-Nazi views, he propagated the interests of a terrorist organization among the youth of Rostov-on-Don,” the FSB stressed.

During the search campaign materials and symbols of a terrorist organization were confiscated from him.

A criminal case has been initiated under Part 2 of Art.

205.5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Participation in the activities of a terrorist organization”).

* "Azov" - the organization was recognized as a terrorist organization by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 08/02/2022.