Nine Palestinians have been killed

and around 15 wounded on Thursday during an

Israeli attack in the northern

occupied West Bank during which

tear gas was fired at the pediatric unit of a hospital

, according to Palestinian sources.

"The situation in the Jenin (Palestinian refugee) camp is critical

," Health Minister Mai Al Kaila said in a statement.

In all, nine people were killed, including "an elderly woman" and fifteen were injured, four of them seriously, during the Israeli attack, the ministry said.

It marks the

deadliest incident of armed clashes in the occupied West Bank in years


Israeli forces "deliberately threw tear gas grenades" into the pediatric ward of a Jenin hospital, which

"caused some children to suffocate"

, added the Palestinian minister.

When asked by AFP about this statement,

the Israeli army did not immediately respond


"Security forces carried out an operation in the Jenin refugee camp. Details will be provided later," the army said on Telegram.

According to the Red Cross, the evacuation of many wounded is difficult, said Minister Al Kala.

The Palestinian official called for an "emergency meeting" to be held with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Refugees

  • Palestine

  • Israel