- It sometimes feels like we are at the end of the rope, says Madeleine Pålsson in Alavattnet.

This week, customers within Eon's electricity grid in the municipality of Strömsund have once again been affected by power outages.

It is just one of several power outages in the municipality this year alone.

Has its own power plant

A couple of weeks ago, about a hundred of Eon's customers were affected by power outages in the northwestern part of the municipality - the part that has been worst affected by power outages within Eon's electricity grid over the years.

Several of the customers who were then affected had to wait more than thirty hours for the power to come back on.

Once the power outage was resolved, another outage occurred.

The cause was snow-laden trees that fell over the power lines.

Nowadays, many of the villagers in Ringvattnet, Blomhöjden, Alavattnet and other villages in the area are equipped to cope with long power cuts.

Jan Bjurström in Ringvattnet, for example, has his own electricity plant.

Madeleine Pålsson in Alavattnet has found an alternative way to manage the water supply for fifteen horses.

"After the meeting with Eon, the power went out"

Problems with the electricity supply have occurred for many years, according to Jan Bjurström.

- There have been problems for over forty years, he says.

In 2019, Eon's representatives visited Ringvatten to talk about the measures that were then underway to deal with the power outages.

- Nothing happened after that, after the meeting the power went out, says Jan Bjurström.

You can see how Jan Bjurström and Madeleine Pålssson deal with long power cuts and what they really think about the problem of power cuts in the video above.