Romain Rouillard 3:05 p.m., January 12, 2023

An unusual phenomenon occurred on the night of January 9 to 10 in ten provinces of Flanders in Belgium.

The sky suddenly turned bright pink in front of the inhabitants, amazed by this quite singular atmosphere linked to the tomato greenhouses established in the town of Kruisem.

Some Belgians have certainly rubbed their eyes several times to believe it.

On the night of January 9 to 10, an almost extraterrestrial atmosphere invaded several provinces of Flanders in front of completely flabbergasted inhabitants.

Until the early morning, the sky was tinged with an impressive fuchsia pink color, as reported 

by La Dépêche du Midi

The reflection of LED lights

Zag hetzelfde;

zouden de tomatenserres in Deinze/Kruishoutem zijn…

— Jan Briers (@JanBriersGouv) January 10, 2023

"Our street at 0:45 am. Someone explain this phenomenon to me? It's really like in the photo", tweeted a user.

The explanation is actually very simple and not natural.

This color comes from red and blue LED lights used by a few farmers in large tomato greenhouses in the town of Kruisem, not far from Ghent.

They give plants better growth and allow them to stay more compact despite the cold.



- An LED that hardly diffuses blue light anymore

According to meteorologist Frank Deboosere, contacted by the daily


, these colors were then reflected on the low clouds present in the Belgian sky that night.

"Just like you often see a white glow around big cities from a distance. A kind of light pollution," he adds.

The newspaper also states that this phenomenon is nothing new in the area but that its manifestation was particularly extreme that night.