The World Health Organization recommends eliminating sugar from the diet of children under two years of age.

For three-year-old children, the daily allowance should not exceed 15 g, and at the age of four to six years - 20. It is interesting that in different countries we observe different “sugar standards” for baby food: for example, in the USA, nutritionists do not recommend sugar in pure form for children up to two years old, in the UK - up to four years old, in Russia - up to three years old, "the neonatologist at INVITRO-Voronezh emphasized.

According to her, in the language of products, it looks like this: approximately 20 g of sucrose is contained in five lollipops, four pieces of chocolate, a small bar, or in one glazed curd cheese.

“On average, a preschool child can eat one choice without harm to health: two chocolates, one waffle, two pieces of marmalade, a serving of marshmallows or marshmallows,” the expert added.

At the same time, she warned that if the child ate a lot of sweets, then he may develop an allergic reaction.

“For hives, an antihistamine should be given, with a more severe reaction, such as Quincke's edema, an ambulance should be called immediately.

Atopic dermatitis will tell you that the child eats too much sweets first of all: a rash appears, itching in characteristic places (cheeks, outer surface of the legs, shoulders and legs).

Another good reason to think about limiting sweets is caries.

Caries-damaged milk teeth can lead to problems with permanent teeth, ”the expert said.

In her opinion, the worst sweets are lollipops, toffee, gummies.

“They slowly dissolve and stick to the teeth.

In this sweet environment, bacteria develop in the oral cavity, which destroy the enamel and can lead to the development of cavities.

Raw fruits and berries are the most natural source of glucose for humans,” the doctor said.

Useful are sweets made from natural fruit and berry raw materials: marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows.

“Children with obesity, atopic dermatitis, diabetes mellitus are shown to exclude or limit the use of sweets in consultation with their doctor.

It is recommended to replace sweets with berries, vegetables, fruits, nuts and dairy products - natural yogurt or cottage cheese, ”the RT interlocutor concluded. 

Earlier, the allergist-immunologist Elena Zinnatova spoke in an interview with RT about the rules for the safe use of tangerines.