The Muslim Elders categorically reject the Taliban's decision to ban girls from university education

The Council of Muslim Elders confirmed that it followed with great concern the Taliban's decision to ban university education for girls and women in Afghanistan, indicating its categorical rejection of depriving girls and women of their basic rights guaranteed to them by Islamic law.

He called the Council of Muslim Elders headed by the Grand Imam a.


Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Sheikh of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, stressed the need to take all measures that guarantee girls’ full right to education, and not to prejudice their dignity and all their rights guaranteed by Islamic law.

The Council of Muslim Elders affirmed that Islam came to liberate women from ignorant customs that detracted from their rights, and dealt with them as an incomplete human being robbed of will and rights, calling for the need to work to ensure girls’ right to full education, dignity and all their rights guaranteed by Islam.  

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