The reason for the decision is the preliminary investigation into the appointment of Staaf and another investigation by a special prosecutor, reports Sweden's Radio Ekot.

- Since there is now a preliminary investigation and an external investigation, Linda Staaf will wait with the effort that was planned at the government office.

She will therefore not work at the government office as it was intended immediately after the turn of the year, says police press officer Christer Janson to the radio and confirms that it is Johan Olsson who made the decision.

According to Dagens Nyheter, Christer Janson cannot answer whether Linda Staaf will remain as head of intelligence at Noa.

The Minister of Justice: "Not good"

On Tuesday evening, Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M) commented on the fact that Linda Staaf will not start working at his ministry after the turn of the year as planned.

- It was entirely the police's decision.

She is employed by the police and they are in charge of the matter. 

Strömmer also expressed again that he has continued to have full confidence in the highest police leadership and national police chief Anders Thornberg.

At the same time, he called the revelations of recent days serious.

- It is clear that it is not good when an authority's handling of important issues is questioned in this way.

It is central to protect the public's trust in the police and therefore I welcome the appointment of an external investigator with high integrity who will get to the bottom of all events including seeing if all routines have been followed.

SVT Nyheter is looking for the police.

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