Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 13

Question: Fully implement the responsibility for rural revitalization - the head of the Central Agricultural Office answers reporters' questions on the "Implementation Measures for the Rural Revitalization Responsibility System"

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hou Xuejing

  Recently, the "Implementation Measures for the Rural Revitalization Responsibility System" issued by the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council was released to the public.

What are the general requirements for implementing the responsibility system for rural revitalization?

What stipulations are made in the Measures for the implementation of the responsibilities of rural revitalization departments and localities?

What regulations have been made in the Measures to strengthen assessment and supervision?

The person in charge of the Central Agricultural Office answered questions from reporters from Xinhua News Agency.

Ensure that the key tasks of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization are implemented

  Q: What are the general requirements for implementing the responsibility system for rural revitalization?

  Answer: The main purpose of implementing the responsibility system for rural revitalization is to promote the implementation of policies and work through the implementation of responsibilities, so as to ensure that the key tasks of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization are implemented.

  One is to adapt measures to local conditions and make overall plans.

Rural resource endowments, development stages, and work foundations in different regions are different. It is necessary to closely integrate the actual situation of the region to implement the responsibility system for rural revitalization, clarify the focus of responsibilities by division and classification, and coordinate the promotion of rural industrial revitalization, talent revitalization, cultural revitalization, ecological revitalization, and organizational revitalization.

  The second is the combination of sections and grading.

Consolidate the main responsibilities of local party committees and governments at all levels for the rural revitalization work in the region, strengthen departmental industry responsibilities, and give full play to the role of the rural work leading groups of party committees at all levels to take the lead in overall planning and coordination. The work of rural revitalization should be coordinated to form a joint force of policies and work for rural revitalization.

  The third is to seek truth and be pragmatic and focus on actual results.

The requirements for strictly governing the party will run through all links in the whole process of rural revitalization, adhere to the principle that quantity is subject to quality, and progress is subject to actual results, seeking good results rather than speed, resolutely opposing formalism and bureaucracy, and promoting all tasks of rural revitalization to do practical things for farmers, In terms of solving difficult problems, farmers can have more sense of gain, happiness and security in rural revitalization.

  The fourth is to uphold the overall leadership of the party.

Improve the rural work leadership system with the unified leadership of the party committee, the government's responsibility, and the overall coordination of the party committee's rural work department, and implement the five-level secretary's responsibility for rural revitalization at the provincial, city, county, township, and village levels.

  The formulation and promulgation of measures is of great significance for the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization, which will help establish and improve the responsibility system for rural revitalization, improve a strong rural revitalization promotion mechanism, and promote the formation of a working pattern in which the whole party and the whole society work together to promote revitalization.

Further compact departmental responsibilities and strengthen coordination and cooperation

  Q: What regulations does the Measures provide for the implementation of the responsibilities of the rural revitalization department?

  Answer: The Measures have made specific provisions on the main responsibility content, responsibility requirements and responsible subjects of the central government and the relevant departments of the state organs to promote rural revitalization.

  In terms of responsibility content, the method clarifies the specific responsibilities of departments in promoting rural revitalization in eight aspects, including formulating and organizing the implementation of rural revitalization strategic plans, major policies, and major projects.

  In terms of responsibility requirements, the measures stipulate that the Office of the Central Rural Work Leading Group is responsible for leading the organization of major policy research on rural revitalization, the coordination of major issues, and the supervision and implementation of major tasks. , Strengthen the leadership of the rural revitalization work of the unit and the system, and establish and improve the rural revitalization working mechanism.

  In terms of the main body of responsibility, the method emphasizes that the party groups (party committees) of the relevant departments of the central government and state agencies are responsible for the main responsibility for the rural revitalization work of the unit and system, and the main person in charge of the leadership team is the first person in charge.

  Q: What provisions does the Measures make for the implementation of local responsibilities for rural revitalization?

  Answer: Local party committees and governments at all levels, and rural grassroots party organizations are directly responsible for the rural revitalization work in the region. The measures clearly stipulate the content, requirements and subjects of responsibility.

  In terms of responsibilities, the measures clarify 14 specific responsibilities of local party committees and governments to promote rural revitalization, including ensuring the supply of food and important agricultural products, consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation, planning and developing rural industries, and encouraging and guiding all kinds of talents to participate in rural revitalization, etc. .

  In terms of responsibility requirements, the measures have clarified the specific responsibility requirements at the five levels of province, city, county, township, and village.

Provincial party committees and governments take overall responsibility for the rural revitalization work in the region and ensure the implementation of the rural revitalization responsibility system at all levels; municipal party committees and governments are responsible for the rural revitalization work in the region, do a good job of linking up and down, and play a good role in leading the county by the city; counties Party committees and governments at all levels are the "front-line headquarters" for rural revitalization, integrating various resource elements, organizing and implementing various policy measures; township party committees and governments should take rural revitalization as the central task, and "one village, one policy" should strengthen precise guidance and services, Do a good job in the implementation of rural revitalization fund projects and the implementation of key tasks; the village party organization leads various organizations and various tasks at the village level in a unified manner, and organizes and mobilizes farmers to participate in rural revitalization.

  In terms of the main body of responsibility, the measures emphasize that the principals of provincial, city, county, and township party committees and governments, as well as the secretary of the village party organization, are the first responsible person for rural revitalization in the region, and make corresponding arrangements for how to fulfill the responsibility of the first responsible person and regulations.

  In addition, the method also puts forward clear requirements in terms of social mobilization.

The first is to deepen targeted assistance.

The second is to strengthen cooperation between the east and the west.

The third is to actively mobilize social forces.

Give full play to the role of the "baton" of assessment and supervision

  Question: What regulations have been made in the Measures to strengthen assessment and supervision?

  Answer: The method has built a set of comprehensive assessment and supervision mechanisms around the implementation of responsibilities, and effectively played the role of "baton".

  The first is to establish a rural revitalization strategy performance appraisal system.

Organize and carry out provincial-level party committees and governments to promote the performance assessment of rural revitalization strategies, and use the assessment results as an important basis for comprehensive assessment and evaluation of provincial-level party committees and government leadership groups and relevant leading cadres.

Provincial party committees and governments organize and carry out performance assessments of city and county party and government leading groups and leading cadres in promoting rural revitalization strategies in light of actual conditions.

  The second is to establish a reporting system for rural revitalization work.

Party committees and governments at all levels report to higher-level party committees and governments on the progress of implementing the rural revitalization strategy.

Party committees at all levels regard the progress of the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy as an important content of their reports to the party congresses and plenary meetings of the party committees at the same level.

  The third is to carry out supervision and inspection of the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy.

Carry out supervision and inspection on the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy by relevant departments of the central government and state agencies, and provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) every year.

Relevant departments and units supervise the implementation of rural revitalization policies, the use of funds, and project implementation in accordance with their respective responsibilities.

Local party committees and governments at and above the county level regularly supervise the implementation of rural revitalization strategies by lower-level party committees and governments.

  The fourth is to carry out monitoring and evaluation of rural revitalization.

Relevant departments have established indicators and statistical systems that objectively reflect the progress of rural revitalization.

Local party committees and governments at or above the county level evaluate the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy in the region.

  The fifth is to strengthen incentives and constraints for rural revitalization.

Departments and individuals who have fulfilled their responsibilities for rural revitalization and achieved remarkable results, as well as social assistance entities who have made outstanding contributions, shall be commended and encouraged in an appropriate manner.

Those who fail to perform or perform their duties incorrectly in the rural revitalization work, and there are problems such as formalism and bureaucracy, shall be held accountable in accordance with laws and regulations.

At the same time, establish a normalized interview mechanism for those who fail to perform their duties and lag behind in the work of rural revitalization.