See in the clip above how Speaker Andreas Norlén justifies Einar Dernegård's essay win.

- It is a huge honor to receive such recognition for the hard work you put into an essay, it means a lot, says Einar Dernegård.

The competition is open to students at bachelor's, master's or master's level.

The subject of the essay must have a connection to the Riksdag.

This year's two winners attend a ceremony in mid-February next year where they will be awarded a diploma by chairman Anderas Norlén.

- Both essays are about the strategic path choices of different parties.

In this way, the essays add new knowledge about the actions of the parties in a central issue in the work of the Riksdag - namely the government issue, says Speaker Andreas Norlén.

The last time a student from Linnaeus University won was in 2020, the same year the competition started.

The essay is about V and L

The essay is briefly about what happened when the Left parties and the Liberals changed their respective views on the government alternatives after the election in 2018. The study focuses on establishing which motives made the parties act the way they did. 

- It is the time perspective that I try to explain through motives - how the parties changed in their attitude to the government alternatives.