After a ruling in 2015, same-sex couples can marry in all US states.

But amid the repeal of national abortion rights, Clarence Thomas, a conservative U.S. Supreme Court justice, said rulings granting the right to same-sex marriage and relationships should also be reviewed.

In that case, each state would have to decide for itself whether same-sex marriage is allowed or not.

Protected in the constitution

The statement worried many and the bill on enhanced protection for same-sex marriages came into existence.

The law has been approved by both the Senate and the House of Representatives and means that same-sex marriage is protected in the constitution.

Every state must recognize same-sex marriage.

"Decisive step towards justice"

In a ceremony outside the White House, Joe Biden signed the law, which was the final step.

- Today, the United States takes a decisive step towards equality, freedom and justice, not just for some, but for all, he said.