Beijing is intensifying military, diplomatic and economic pressure on its neighbor

China sends record number of bombers to Taiwan's defense zone

18 H-6 bombers with nuclear capabilities entered the "identification zone for air defense purposes."


China has sent a record number of nuclear-capable bombers to Taiwan's air defense zone, according to what Taipei announced yesterday, days after Beijing banned the entry of any additional Taiwanese imports, in a new sign of deteriorating relations between the two parties.

Taiwan, which enjoys democratic self-rule, lives under constant threat of the possibility of a war from China, which sees the island as part of its territory, and pledges to annex it, albeit militarily.

Beijing has stepped up military, diplomatic and economic pressure on its neighbor since the election of Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, who insists on Taiwan independence.

And the Taiwanese Ministry of Defense announced, yesterday morning, that 21 aircraft entered the “Air Defense Identification Zone” (ADIS) during the last 24 hours, including 18 nuclear-capable “H-6” bombers.

So far, this represents the largest daily sortie by H-6 bombers since Taipei began issuing daily incursions data in September 2020, according to a database maintained by "Agence France Presse".

This comes after China imposed a ban on Taiwanese imports last week.

The H-6 is China's main long-range bomber, and it can deliver nuclear payloads.

China rarely sends more than five H-6 bombers in one day, but sorties have increased dramatically in recent weeks.

Until recently, October 2021 was the month that recorded the largest number of "H-6" sorties, as they numbered 16.

• China rarely sends more than 5 H-6 bombers in one day, but sorties have increased dramatically in recent weeks.

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