The Minister of

Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda, Ione Belarra

, deplored this Tuesday that "the

scrutiny of the personal lives

of the ministers is not the same as that of the ministers" and reproached that they are not as rigorous with them as with those in the tracking how they use their paternity leave.

She did so at the press conference after the Council of Ministers in which she presented the

Family Law

when questioned about the way in which she has used her maternity leave.

Ione Belarra had her

second child on October 21

, so, taking into account that maternity leave in Spain is 16 weeks, it would last until February.

However, it should be remembered that

only the first six weeks are compulsory

, uninterrupted and full time;

while the other 10 weeks can be enjoyed full or part time.

The holder of Social Rights made it clear that she has had

"six weeks of permission",

specifying that she currently enjoys a "partial permission, although I would like to enjoy my permission in another way."

This helped him to assert that "this question would not be asked of a minister if he were a man, as happened with my partner Alberto Garzón; that would require reflection."

In this sense, he regretted that "the

scrutiny of the personal life of the ministers is not the same

as that of the ministers", which, in his opinion, would deserve a "reflection as a society".

Asked if she is setting a good example, she made it clear that "my son also has a father with whom

we aspire to exercise co-responsibility

, and that is also a good example."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Minister council

  • Maternity