A warning from Sharjah Municipality to owners of vehicles and motorcycles impounded for more than 6 months

The Municipality of Sharjah City issued a warning to the owners of vehicles, machinery, motorcycles, and regular bicycles that have been held by the Municipality of Sharjah City for a period of more than 6 months without taking the necessary measures to release them. 

In a circular issued by the municipality, the municipality confirmed the necessity of reviewing the Control and Inspection Department in the Fifth Industrial City within 4 days of publishing this announcement to work on removing the reasons for the seizure and receiving the reservations, otherwise the municipality will be forced to sell them in public auction after the expiry of the aforementioned deadline on December 15th. 

The municipality has specified a QR code to scan it and identify the seized cars, so that their owners can proceed with the procedures for releasing and receiving them.

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