It will be Ulf Kristersson's (M) first debate as prime minister and Magdalena Andersson's (S) as opposition leader.

The debate starts at 20:00, you can follow the broadcast in the player above or on SVT2.

Party leader debate in Agenda

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Hello and welcome to SVT's live report on

Agenda's party leader debate


For the first time since the election, the Riksdag's party leaders meet in a televised debate.

SVT Nyheter reports directly from the program.

The debate starts at


The debate topics can be found below:

The migration:

Annie Lööf (C) - Johan Pehrson (L)


Ebba Busch (KD) - Per Bolund (MP)

The climate:

Ulf Kristersson (M) - Magdalena Andersson (S)

The households' economy:

Jimmie Åkesson (SD) - Nooshi Dadgostar (V)

Isak Wahlund

SVT Reporter

9 min

The party leader debate was supposed to have been held a week ago, but was postponed after Ulf Kristersson (M) and Jimmie Åkesson (SD) became ill.

Nils Jonsson

SVT Reporter