He said this in his video message to the residents of the city of Urus-Martan, which was published by Kadyrov's assistant in his social networks.

“An incident happened in Urus-Martan yesterday... People gathered, surrounded the employees, I want to say... to all those who were there, if you are men, you want to fight... get together, fight with the employees, or we will we will collect, send to the territory where the special operation is taking place, ”RIA Novosti quotes him.

Kadyrov stressed that educational and explanatory work would be carried out with those participating in the brawl.

According to the agency, Kadyrov spoke about the conflict, the video of which had previously appeared on the Internet.

According to official data, people reacted aggressively to the demands of employees of the traffic police department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Urus-Martan district to comply with traffic rules.