• Politics The reduction of ERC corruption leaves Puigdemont's sentence to a minimum and allows Junqueras to return to politics already in 2023

In a few weeks the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) must resolve the appeals of former government officials Lluís Salvadó, current president of the Port of Barcelona, ​​and Josep Maria Jové, ERC deputy, against the order to prosecute them for the crimes of prevarication, embezzlement, disobedience and disclosure of secrets when they allegedly organized 1-O.

In the event that the court maintains their prosecution, which is most likely, Jové and Salvadó, who form the circle closest to the ERC leader Oriol Junqueras, should sit on the bench and the Prosecutor's Office could request a sentence of up to 8 years prison for each of them.

For this reason, Oriol Junqueras has begun his pressure offensive on the Government to reform the Criminal Code as soon as possible and not only eliminate sedition but also reduce the penalty for embezzlement of public funds when it is proven that the suspect charges are not for personal gain .

In this way, the penalty that Jové and Salvadó would face would be much lower and they could even avoid jail.

In this way, Junqueras assured that ERC presents its amendments to the modification of the crime of embezzlement, which for the moment the Government places at 4 years and the Republicans at 3, to negotiate, although he stressed that "you have to be aware that there is always a interpretative framework by at least one part of the judiciary".

For this reason, he urged "to put justice where there is no justice" and sought the support of the rest of the pro-independence forces by assuring that "the situation of the exiles is tremendously unfair", in reference to JxCat, which has its leader, Carles Puigdemont, on the run and would be one of the main beneficiaries of the reform of the Penal Code.

In this sense, the general secretary of JxCat, Jordi Turull, rejected that the reform of the crime of embezzlement proposed by the PSOE and Unidas Podemos of 4 years in prison since he considers that it is to "make up and whiten" elements "of repression" of the pp.

He added that the independence movement must "maintain the logic that 1-O was not a crime, and of confrontation with the State, without whitewashing the elements of repression" and stressed that "it is not a question of fewer years in prison, but of that there are none for being loyal to the mandate received from the citizens".

Not related to budgets

Junqueras rejected that the negotiation of the reform by the Criminal Code is related to the fact that ERC has facilitated the approval of the General State Budgets in Congress.

He said that there is no relationship and that the accounts are "one of the many parliamentary procedures that are done every day" and that they are necessary because they include 900 million for Catalonia.

A reform of the Criminal Code would also reduce the current disqualification for public office of Junqueras, who yesterday assured on Catalunya Radio that his personal situation is now "absolutely irrelevant to the general situation of the country" but added that his willingness to help and assume responsibilities continues.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • CKD

  • oriol junqueras

  • State's general budgets

  • PP

  • United We Can

  • PSOE

  • Jordi Turull

  • Carlos Puigdemont

  • Justice