Regarding the distribution of new subsidies to support regional digitization, the government has decided to review the distribution criteria to make it easier to receive subsidies in response to requests from local governments.

In order to support the digitization of the region, the government has created a new "digital garden city state concept subsidy", and has indicated a policy to decide a part of the distribution based on the issuance rate of the local government's My Number card.

However, due to measures to promote popularization, the number of people applying for My Number Cards is increasing, and there are more than a few local governments that take time to issue the My Number Card. was

In response to this, the government decided to review the distribution criteria for subsidies based on the application rate instead of the My Number Card issuance rate.

The government says that this review will make it easier for local governments to receive subsidies, and Minister of State for Regional Revitalization Okada said, "We can expect more local governments to take on the challenge of advanced digital initiatives." .