Four children found in cardiac arrest

have been admitted to two hospitals in "critical condition" after being rescued on Sunday from a

frozen lake in western England,

British emergency services said.

After being alerted, firefighters and paramedics pulled the minors out of the freezing water during the afternoon in


a city southeast of


They were playing on the frozen lake when they fell into the water, witnesses said.

"The children were pulled from the water and the firefighters and ambulance drivers tried to revive them immediately," said Richard Stanton, head of the fire service in that area, during a press conference on Sunday night.

"Unfortunately, they went into cardiac arrest and received advanced resuscitation treatment at the hospital," said

Cameron McVittie

of the local ambulance service.

The minors, with a "critical condition", were transferred to two different hospitals in Birmingham.

The balance of victims could worsen, because when the police arrived at the scene they told them that

"up to six people"

fell into the water.

"For this reason, having rescued all four children, we continued our search to see if there were other people in the water,"

Stanton said.

A team will continue with the rescue tasks during the night, but "taking into account the temperature of the water, the age of those who fell and the time they spent inside, it is no longer a rescue operation", but to recover

the possible bodies of the deceased,

he acknowledged.

The United Kingdom has suffered a

major cold wave since Friday,

with snowfall in some areas and temperatures below zero in much of the country.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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