Pierre de Vilno SEASON 2022 - 202320h17, December 11, 2022

Find the entire "Europe Soir Weekend" with Pierre de Vilno and his guests, on Europe 1.


Charles Villeneuve

, great voice of Europe 1 and Europe 1 Sports

Laurent Jacobelli

, RN deputy for the 8th constituency of Moselle and spokesperson for the National Rally

Frédéric Dabi

, Managing Director Opinion of Ifop 

Jean-Yves Le Borgne

, lawyer

Dominique de Lastours

, historian, author of History of the Academy of Taste Psychologists (Lampsaque, May 2022)

Raphaëlle Ziadé

, historian, director of Byzantine Arts at the Petit Palais and author of The Art of Eastern Christians (Citadelles and Mazenod, Oct. 2022)

Pr Djilalli Annane

, head of the intensive care unit at the Raymond-Poincaré hospital (AP-HP) in Garches

Antoine Loron

, co-founder of the Hublo company and author of Le grand épuisement (Débats Publics Editions, Nov 2022)