• Politics PSOE's outcry for embezzlement: "It is an amendment to the entirety of a president who threw out the PP for corruption"

Pedro Sánchez tries to appease the controversy that the ERC demand to reduce the sentences for embezzlement of public funds has generated internally in the PSOE.

To do this, the parliamentary group of the President of the Government will promote this Monday together with United We Can the creation of a new crime that penalizes irregular budgetary deviation within the same public administration.

The two parties at the head of the coalition Executive are thus trying to limit the attempt of their partner in Congress to reform the legal framework of corruption to benefit the pro-independence leaders indicted for the independence referendum in Catalonia in



With the proposal promoted from La Moncloa, the prison in these cases could reach four years in prison, two years less than what is currently provided for in the

Penal Code

, as

La Vanguardia

has advanced .

The measure, in any case, does not meet the expectations of ERC, which on Friday presented an amendment to request that the diversion of public funds for profit be distinguished from when there is no particular use of them.

His intention is that this second case, in which the use of money from administrations to finance the

1-0 consultation

would be framed , entails a maximum of between six months and three years in prison.

In the Government they consider that with their correction of the approach made by the independentistas, not a single case of embezzlement would be decriminalized, not even the slightest, which would be that of the aforementioned irregular budgetary deviation.

They have also proposed that for the first time the illicit enrichment of charges be punished with an increase in assets of more than

250,000 euros

at the end of their term of office for which they cannot prove the origin, with penalties of up to three years in prison.

The different political positions will be confronted this Monday in the Justice Commission of Congress, where they will analyze all the proposals for changes in the Penal Code that are on the table and that will foreseeably be approved in an extraordinary plenary session this Thursday.

These include the repeal of the crime of sedition for which the promoters of 1-O were convicted to transform it into aggravated public disorder, with a reduction in maximum sentences from 15 to five years in prison.

The president of ERC, Oriol Junqueras, has already made it clear that he does not agree with the alternative of PSOE and Unidas Podemos to the decriminalization of non-profit embezzlement that they will present via a compromise



For this reason, he has asked for the "help" of all "independence supporters and democrats in good faith" to move it forward instead of "putting sticks in the wheels," reports Efe.

Implicitly, Sánchez has justified this Sunday the changes in the Criminal Code to "return confrontation and political debate to the territory of politics and remove it from the courts" betting on "reunion and harmony" in Catalonia.

"I know that the decisions we have to make are risky, but there is no other way, there is no other way," he argued this Sunday at a rally of his party in Barcelona to try to silence internal criticism.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • CKD

  • PSOE

  • United We Can

  • Barcelona

  • oriol junqueras

  • Pedro Sanchez