The Liberal Democratic Party's Tax Research Commission plans to combine multiple tax items in order to increase the tax, and take measures to reduce the burden on small and medium-sized enterprises with respect to the core corporate tax. I am considering.

Regarding the increase in defense spending, Prime Minister Kishida enacted a budget measure that will reach 2% of GDP in 2027, five years from now. He has instructed the ruling party to consider a tax increase, saying that there will be a shortage.

In response to this, the Liberal Democratic Party Tax Research Commission held a meeting of executives on the 11th and confirmed the basic policy of combining multiple tax items such as tobacco tax and part of "special income tax for reconstruction" centering on corporate tax. Did.

As for corporate tax, there is a trend toward adding a uniform tax rate to the amount of tax paid.

We are also considering raising the tobacco tax on heated tobacco products, which are cheaper than cigarettes.

Furthermore, in order to allocate to the reconstruction budget from the Great East Japan Earthquake, we are considering measures to reduce the impact on the reconstruction budget when using part of the "reconstruction special income tax" that is added to the income tax.

The Liberal Democratic Party and the New Komei Party's tax research committees plan to begin full-scale discussions toward compiling next year's tax reform outline within the week. Difficulties are also expected.