They asked private companies for job opportunities that would help them develop professionally and financially

Citizens criticize offering jobs below the level of ambition

  • Some companies offer jobs that are much lower than the qualifications of the national cadres.

    Emirates today


Citizens criticized job offers that they affirmed are below the level of their aspirations, professionally and financially, pointing out that they do not help them develop and do not serve their future career in the long term.

Recently, companies and employers resorted to a new way to circumvent the Emiratisation targets in the private sector, which were set by the UAE government during the next five years, by offering vacancies in professions and jobs that do not match the ambitions of Emiratisation in the private sector, justifying that the available jobs do not require long experience. There are no specific qualifications, which makes it easier for national cadres to fill them, which sparked angry reactions among citizens who stressed the need for work to be appropriate to their capabilities and qualifications, within the framework of the state's plans for settlement.

For its part, the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation confirmed that the Emiratisation procedures within private sector establishments are subject to strict monitoring and scrutiny, to address any negative practices or manipulation of Emiratisation targets.

In detail, young citizens criticized the spread of advertisements offering job opportunities for national cadres in professions that are not commensurate with their professional potential and aspirations.

They saw it as a backdoor that some companies seek to achieve free publicity and fame at the expense of localization.

Saeed Salem, a commerce graduate, said: “It is illogical for a young citizen to study for four to five years, and to spend a lot of money on his family for rehabilitation, training and gaining experience, and then he finds this type of job that is not commensurate with his aspirations, experience or qualifications.”

And the young citizen, Ahmed Abdullah Al Ali, focused on the financial return from simple jobs, indicating that “circumstances may push people to accept them for economic reasons, if the private salary for them is appropriate, but this is not available.”

This was confirmed by citizen Alia Mansour, (a job seeker), who considered that offering these jobs is a kind of free publicity, demanding that this phenomenon be addressed through monitoring and immediate accountability.

Citizen Hamid Ibrahim said, "The problem with these jobs is that they are much less than the capabilities and qualifications of the majority of national cadres," expressing his hope that "society will get rid of the negative idea that says that citizens only want to be managers, because we welcome work that suits our ambitions, capabilities, and aspirations of our leadership." for the youth of the country.

And the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation warned all private sector establishments, especially those that include 50 skilled workers or more, against any negative practices or manipulation of Emiratisation targets, stressing that “Nationalization procedures within the employers are subject to strict monitoring and scrutiny.”

And she emphasized that the Cabinet’s decision issued last May related to raising the percentage of citizens working in private sector companies, which include 50 employees or more, is concerned with “skilled jobs”, which means that “packages of material privileges and administrative facilities provided by the government to raise Emiratisation targets, both for citizens And companies do not include simple and unskilled jobs.

The Ministry stated that it is closely monitoring the procedures followed by companies with regard to Emiratisation, and the quality of jobs that are offered, stressing the importance of Emiratisation targeting skilled jobs in order to achieve Emiratisation goals, in order to avoid fines to be applied starting from January 2023 against non-compliant companies.

Intelligent control of the content of job advertisements

Member of the Federal National Council, Shatha Al-Naqbi, confirmed that the private sector represents a great opportunity to develop the talents of national cadres, and develop their entrepreneurial aspirations and skills in a distinctive and noticeable way, especially in light of the package of incentives and unprecedented decisions taken by the state to raise Emiratisation rates in private sector establishments. Supporting the orientation of graduates to work in this sector.

Al-Naqbi told Emirates Today, "The concerned government agencies, led by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation, have strict mechanisms to control the labor market, and a package of measures and penalties that can be taken against any employer that tries to exploit (nefes) initiatives, whether to achieve publicity." And free fame at the expense of citizens, or fraud with the aim of manipulating the settlement targets, in order to reduce the offered salaries.

She added, "National graduates are knocking on the door of the private sector due to the scarcity of employment opportunities in government agencies, but this cannot be an entry point for some companies to underestimate and underestimate the localization process, for the purposes of publicity and fame," stressing the importance of job advertisements being subject to a kind of smart control and follow-up to ensure of its relevance and objectivity.

Undermining professional development

Employment and labor relations expert Hamad Al-Aidrousi advised young people looking for job opportunities from national cadres to abandon the idea of ​​searching for any available job, stressing that “this thought undermines professional development, and makes its adherents far behind in development.”

He called on the youth to focus on developing their professional aspects more than on searching for jobs at any salary, explaining that the more the citizen is confident in his capabilities, he will be able to promote himself in the employers.

Al-Aidrousi told Emirates Today, "It is illogical for a citizen to accept low salaries offered by employers, because they do not prefer to hire national cadres, and are looking for cheap labour. Therefore, they resort to fraudulent methods with the aim of manipulating decisions and procedures that oblige them to hire citizens, through fictitious localization."

5 controls for posting job advertisements electronically

The global “Google Search Services Group” blog called on platforms and websites dedicated to displaying jobs and job opportunities, to ensure that no deceptive or unwanted job advertisements are displayed on websites, including job advertisements that do not represent a real job opportunity.

The global blog directed five tips or controls for publishing job advertisements on websites and social media platforms. The first is that site and platform managers be keen to code the pages that include a single and feasible job opportunity and not any other pages, as well as the speed of removing expired job advertisements, in addition to not leaving The job advertisement is published if it no longer accepts new applications, because applying and not getting a response from the employer is a common complaint among job seekers.

The list of five controls also included ensuring that the posting date of the job is correct, as users rely on the extent of recentness as an indication to assess whether the job accepts new job applications, job opportunities, job attractiveness, etc., and not displaying old jobs in the form of new jobs or Modifying the attribute unless there is any change to the job advertisement, and finally not including false or misleading information in the job advertisement or coding, including incorrect information regarding salary, geographical location, working hours, type of job, or other details related to the job.

To avoid this, care must be taken to provide a correct job description within the job posting and to accurately code the job posting.

Settlement procedures within private sector facilities are subject to strict monitoring and scrutiny to address any negative practices. 

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