The rose with three pink blossoms is still ready for summer, and the hydrangea on the roof terrace is trying hard not to fade the Bordeaux red of its sepals so quickly.

But the last few weeks of autumn were too beautiful.

Petra Kirchhoff

Editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

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For our sake, it could go on like this forever, because then we wouldn’t have to rearrange the wardrobe and shoe closet, wouldn’t have to fold up summer dresses and take them to the basement, wouldn’t have to remove moth paper from wool sweaters and, above all, we wouldn’t have to pack plants on the balcony for winter.

Both are tedious exercises when transitioning from autumn to winter, although the plant number has always been the greater challenge, for very different reasons.

Thermal pot coats for the plants

Roses have thorns, and climbing roses seem to have a particularly large number.

In addition, oleanders and hydrangeas, which are growing vigorously, are now in large pots.

They are heavy and unwieldy.

Before you even bend down, your back hurts – just thinking about balancing and wrapping these pots.

Bubble wrap for this comes in handy.

But who wants to look at plastic until April?

sack over it?

Can be done, always looks cozy in gardening magazine pictures too, with red ribbons neatly wrapped around rough fabric.

So far we've been happy when the adhesive strips stick to the bubble wrap.

And that's why we said to ourselves: There has to be a better solution.

We found them on the Internet last autumn – DIY stores and garden centers are unfortunately not that far along yet: Thermo pot coats, these are insulating bags that can be opened on the side with a zipper or Velcro fastener, not exactly cheap, but a clean solution.

Once set in – the bags are unfortunately not without strength – the plants stand on styrofoam plates with a drainage opening so that no water accumulates at the roots.

Such bags are available in different sizes and colors.

We decided on a few specimens in fir green and rust red, which are waiting in the basement to be used again.

We are relaxed.