Cyber ​​security experts at Malwarebytes have revealed that a dangerous set of applications on Android, riddled with viruses, have been downloaded more than a million times.

These malicious applications managed to bypass the detection systems on the Google Play Store.

Experts reported that they found 4 applications that hide part of the malware known as HiddenAds.

The "stall tactic" is initially used by hackers to lure the user into a false sense of security.

So you won't notice any error right away which makes you less inclined to suspect the app and delete it.

But days later, the app starts malicious work, opening phishing sites in Chrome browser.

According to Malwarebytes, a malware scanning and anti-malware company that uncovered the latest trick, one of the apps includes adult content that leads to phishing pages telling the user that they've been exposed to a virus or need an update.

Even more alarming, tabs open secretly in the background, even when your device is locked.

Malwarebytes warns that "when a user unlocks their device, Chrome opens with the latest site. A new tab with a new site is frequently opened. As a result, unlocking your phone after several hours means closing multiple tabs. Users' browser history will also be listed." A long list of bad phishing sites.

What are these malicious applications?

There are 4 applications associated with Bluetooth services that have been found to contain malware:

  • Bluetooth Auto Connect

  • Bluetooth App Sender

  • Driver: Bluetooth, USB, Wi-Fi (Driver: Bluetooth, USB, Wi-Fi)

  • Mobile Transfer: smart switch

If you find any of these programs installed on your phone, it is best to delete them immediately.

It is also useful to run any antivirus scanning software installed on your phone.