Yesterday, Tuesday, the Chinese authorities imposed closure measures in the area surrounding an iPhone factory in China - the largest of its kind in the world - after detecting a focus of "Covid-19" infections.

The economic zone surrounding Zhengzhou Airport (central), where the factory operated by Taiwan's Foxconn group is located, must close for seven days, according to an official statement.

Foxconn is the largest maker of iPhones, producing 70 percent of global shipments, most of it from the Zhengzhou factory, which employs about 200,000 people. The company has other smaller production sites in India and southern China.

Infections with "Covid-19" have been recorded since mid-October last in this factory, and videos circulated on social media showed dozens of employees - some carrying bags - fleeing the site by climbing the fence and then walking on a road back to their homes. .

Some of the clips included testimonies of employees complaining about their working conditions and the lack of means of protection against the virus.

The local authorities said that residents of the economic zone "should not leave their homes" unless necessary, starting today, Wednesday.

China is the last major economic power to implement a strict anti-Covid-19 policy that includes frequent closures, checks of the population several times a week and long quarantine periods.